mikki's snaps

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    Made the side-trip here on the way home

    BTW, just in case anyone plans to visit the National Parks, I’d like to recommend getting the Interagency Pass. It’s good for one year from purchase, gives admission to National Parks, National Monuments, and assorted other national forest and BLM lands, for $80. Yes, a bit of money, but… entry fee into Zion and Grand Canyon are now $25 per car. I didn’t notice how much Bryce is. If you live near a Nat’l Park that you visit often, or go on vacation to a few of the parks, it quickly pays for itself.


      😮 OMG! Those are gorgious!!!
      Can I save the ones from the canyon to put as a destop? 🙂


      Which one/s are you interested in ? I have much larger images, I cropped and then also had to make those small enough to post on the forum.

      I think the first two from Zion are 750 x 525 or so, full size is like 32xx X 24xx.


        😀 I’m interested in these!
        Can you email them to me?

        BTW your raven is gorgious too. 🙂


          I like the second one, with the river at sunset/sunrise??


            Those are beautiful shots mikki! Did you get a chance to visit Kolob Canyon and see the hoodoos?

            or Coyote Buttes and see the Wave?

            and don’t forget Arches National Park

            twindragonsmum 🙂



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Those are beautiful shots mikki! Did you get a chance to visit Kolob Canyon and see the hoodoos?

            OMG Can I have this picture for my desktop? It’s so trippy! I love it! 😀


              Be my guest!

              twindragonsmum 😀



              twindragonsmum wrote:

              Be my guest!

              twindragonsmum 😀
              I hate to sound like I’m badgering you but you don’t have a bigger version of it do ya?

              Even if you don’t it still looks good as is on my desktop, it just kinda got blurry when I resized it to fit full screen.

              Thanks though! 😀


              Wow, I love those pictures.


              BDW – thanks for the compliments on the photos (still trying, the laptop and email are both being bad tonight)

              Jasmine – The photos with the river were taken as the sun was setting. I think the pictures I took then are probably my faves from the trip.

              twindragonsmum – Thanks. I only had a day and a half in the area, so mostly just saw the main canyon of Zion and Bryce. I was hoping to go to Cedar Breaks, but found out the road doesn’t open til late May sometime as it’s closed for the winter. Coyote Butte is extremely limited to visitors, only 20 per day and 10 of those are from a permit reservation lottery, and it’s also approx. 6 hr hike RT. Maybe someday.

              GB – thanks if you are talking about my pictures. If you’re talking about twins’ … then yes, they are beautiful. The Southwest US does have some incredible scenery and lots of wide open country. Sometimes I’m glad I live around here – just not in summer time when it’s 110* F :negative:


              Er, I meant all of them. Definitely hope to see more of yours; your area sounds like paradise to me. Warm and sunny and no bother with snow… 😆


                talent? you has it 😉


                Well, after being sick and then the computer and the internet not talking, I’m back online.

                I put a few pics online for a friend, the first two are from Hoover Dam, then three already posted here, then down at the bottom a link to something a little more local.



                Wow!!! those are all some nice pics!! 🙂 good job!!!

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