frozendragon wrote:
Greater Basilisk wrote:
What, you don’t think there could be a decently-painted mermaid with blue skin? 😆
very very light pearlescent…..shimmery blue….
now that could work….as long as the nipples aren’t lopsided…
That’d be nice. I do rather like the idea of mermaids with slightly colored, slightly pearly skin. Flat flesh tone seems kinda… plain… for a mermaid. But as always, I’d have to buy other ppl’s stuff, as my hands don’t understand the artistic visions in my head.
Tho I’m not a big fan of the nipples. *shrug* I don’t need the whole string-shell-bikini like Ariel, but I prefer some sort of oceanic cover-up. Or even just her hair. I don’t like having any more boobs in my house than necessary 😉