
Mermaid Sconce

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    I’ve been thinking about getting the Sea Jewel for my mom, who loves mermaids. Well, I sent her a picture of the Moonlight one last night and she replied that she doesn’t like the butt crack 🙄

    So, next idea is the Sconce. Anyone have a picture of the Sea Fire Mermaid’s butt? 🙄 🙄 🙄

    Thank you in advance everyone!



      she doesn’t have a butt crack.. but it does give a hint of where it starts..


        I LOVE the butt crack 😳

        I think the mermaid is so beautiful and womanly, I like her noice round bottom. I can see how some people wouldn’t like it though.

        I’m not so sure about the Moonlight color though. Does anyone have a photo of her eyes? Are they all black? It’s hard to tell in the store. I really, really want to like the moonlight color, but it seems just a little creepy to me on the face. I’d have to see a better pic.

        [looks around expectantly] 😆


          the best glimpse I’ve seen so far is the side view on ebay..


          I like the butt crack too…but I’m looking at it from an artist’s point a view…’normal’ folks I guess might not find it very attractive…maybe they don’t want the thought to cross their minds about how they poop? I dunno, I’ve never understood the thoughts of my mother 🙄

          thank you Frozen <3 if you don't mind, could I show that picture to my mom? via an email?



            sure.. if you need me to email it to you I can.. or just use my photobucket thingy.. however that works.. LOL


            frozendragon wrote:

            she doesn’t have a butt crack.. but it does give a hint of where it starts..

            I’ve sent the pic off to my mom, we’ll see what she says tomorrow x_x

            EDIT: She likes the Sconce 😆 though now she’s complaining about color of the tail…saying she’s always thought of green/red like a mermaid in a movie called “Splash” Oie…. Thank again Frozen <3 I'll need to save up to buy one though xD



              hmm… I don’t remember the tail having red in it.. in “Splash”

              although it kind of looked different in every scene.. especially when she was in that containment tank for a long time..

              of course most fish colors depend on diet.. tell her this one didn’t get to eat any shrimp..

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