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        We all have our reasons for why we picked our particular member names. But I don’t know yours. So I’m curious, what made you want to identify yourself on this forum with the word β€œSerenity”?


          Good question!

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



            it means… 1.the state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil; sereneness.
            2. (usually initial capital letter) a title of honor, respect, or reverence, used in speaking of or to certain members of royalty (usually prec. by his, your, etc.).

            Years ago I had AOL and it had a little name game for The Matrix Reloaded… type in your real name and get your Matrix name… I did and out came Serenity! πŸ˜‰ It suck from there and I like how it sounds… peaceful!


              I don’t recall a serenity in the Matrix… Trinity, yeah, but not Serenity. Mind you, it’s been a long, long while since I’ve seen them.

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                dragonmedley wrote:

                I don’t recall a serenity in the Matrix… Trinity, yeah, but not Serenity. Mind you, it’s been a long, long while since I’ve seen them.

                I think it wasn’t necessarily an actual name from the movie, but similar names, based on whatever list of names the creator of the name generator used.


                  It was only a Name Game on AOL when The Matrix Reloaded came out. You would type in your first name and then it would spit out your “matrix name”. πŸ˜‰
                  It was a promo for the movie on AOL. But Serenity isn’t a name OUT of the movie The Matrix. πŸ˜‰


                    I get it…

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                      ok… it was kinda hard to explain on my part… I think next time I’ll keep my answer simple like… “becasue I like it” or “it sounded neat to me”… or “I put that for my user name??? Wierd!” LOL πŸ˜‰


                        Serenity wrote:

                        ok… it was kinda hard to explain on my part… I think next time I’ll keep my answer simple like… “becasue I like it” or “it sounded neat to me”… or “I put that for my user name??? Wierd!” LOL πŸ˜‰

                        I like the last simple answer πŸ˜† Or maybe say it was your name from a previous life. That’ll get everyone talking. =P


                          No kidding huh! πŸ˜†

                          That one I didn’t think of! πŸ˜‰


                          EDIT: I know this was meant for Serenity but I hope nobody minds?? LOL It would make a good general thread….and Serenity I LOVE your name and avatar picture!!

                          Mine is simple…because I am addicted to dragons for life. I have been in love with all things draconic the moment I saw my first dragon in a fairytale book around the age of five or six. I was furious to know the knight slayed the dragon, too. From then on, I would always imagine the dragon being the good guy and winning! πŸ˜€


                            Dragons4Life wrote:

                            EDIT: I know this was meant for Serenity but I hope nobody minds?? LOL It would make a good general thread….

                            Actually, we had two threads about this topic, but they are pretty old. There probably hasn’t been too many topics (politics and religion aside) that haven’t been brought up at least one…. :scratch: But we can always use another one with so many new active members πŸ˜€

                            On your thoughts about dragons, thinking about the subject myself, I never really thought about them as either good or bad. Outside of stories that paint them as truly vicious or allies to humans, I always thought there actions were based on necessity to survive (eating people or their livestock when nothing else was available), and humans did what they needed to do to survive (killing dragon to save their own lives or livestock). With the occasional trophy hunter or misguided individuals thrown in. >.< I imagined them as big, realistic predators. Not to keen on stories of killing dragons to save princesses. I'm sure dragons have a lot better things to do than capture and keep a whiny girl. πŸ™„ Anyways, I'm rambling πŸ˜† Sorry for the hijack.

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