Melody, do you know what happened to Snapdragon?

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      Grrr, now I want nachos, and the store is closed.


      Snapdragon wrote:

      Grrr, now I want nachos, and the store is closed.

      there aren’t any 24 hour convience stores around where you are? 😯


        Um, ew, I was referring to the grocery store where I could get *real* food and make them.


        you can get the nacho’s and cheese at a convenience store! :mrgreen:


          gryphondreamer wrote:

          you can get the nacho’s and cheese at a convenience store! :mrgreen:

          You need chicken breast, peppers, cheese, and chips to make these nachos!


            And heart and soul, and a good knife too.


            Snapdragon wrote:

            Grrr, now I want nachos, and the store is closed.

            Don’t you have a Sobeys near you? Oh wait never mind I forgot it would be closed for Victoria Day. 🙄


              No, it would have been opened, but it closes at midnight, and I close the cafe at midnight. Well now I think it closes at 11 which is even worse. If I get going NOW then I can make it before I go to the cafe, but what fun is that, then I have a bunch of food that I can’t do anything with.


                If you have like a back office or something at the cafe and room for a microwave then you could do microwave nachos… they wouldn’t be the best but might tide you over until you can make real ones..


                  The microwave is out front for the sandwiches/subs.

                  Back office… I wish I had a picture. You can’t move back there. Between four servers, two racks, endless miles of networking cable… oh man.


                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  No, it would have been opened, but it closes at midnight, and I close the cafe at midnight. Well now I think it closes at 11 which is even worse. If I get going NOW then I can make it before I go to the cafe, but what fun is that, then I have a bunch of food that I can’t do anything with.

                  Really? The ones by you close at 12? All of the Sobeys around here are 24 hour grocery stores. Best place to go at 2 am to buy groceries. Actually when I worked overnights I loved that they were open 24 hours. The only problem was I couldn’t get any baked goods. But they are closed the day of Holidays. Then they open at I think 7am the next day.


                    There are no 24 hour stores here, except the obvious Mac’s and 7-Eleven’s. Wal-Mart opens 24 hours for a couple days before Xmas, and that’s it.


                      I’ve only came across 24hour Grocery stores in PEI, I’m told rumours that Edmonton has some, but I’ve yet to find one, Superstore(&Walmart) closes at 10pm, and unless they decided it was a bad idea IGA and Sobey’s close at 11pm with Safeway’s. I miss the Midnight closing of Iga and Sobey’s!!


                        Hell we keep Absolute Power open later than anything in the North end.


                          Thank God for that, it’s also a convenince store for the locals!! 🙄

                          Err well umm the locals that know about it!! And haven’t had their heads up their Err, Umm, Yeah, for the last year!!

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