Mel, PLEASE try tho I know it's hard! TIGER fans speak up!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Mel, PLEASE try tho I know it's hard! TIGER fans speak up!

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      Melody, Mel, Melly, Mel Mel… I know this has been addressed in another thread but I had to draw your attention again so you see the demand.

      I fully understand and appreciate how hard it is to mass produce (for store) pieces that have intricate patterns, such as the absolutely stunning Tiger Curlie you have up on ebay. But I just have to beg anyway, for a way you can find a compromise.

      We’ve watched ebay for years and we know that we cannot afford special ebay pieces, even small flaps or curls. The store is basically all we can afford. Maybe ebay if ebay allowed payments but they don’t, nor would Windstone.

      That said (not making much of a case here!), I am SO begging you to try to come out with a stencil (to help you perhaps) so that you can put complicated tiger curls (or zebra curls or the like) in the store so that non-ebayers can afford to get them. Browsing ebay as I do, I saw the recent Tiger Curl and about fainted (same with the Siam Curl). It takes a lot for me to flip but that one just about did it for me. Truth be told, you are a genius (no really, you’re an artistic genius and I’m not sucking up; sometimes the truth is actually nice to hear!), so there must be a way for you to come up with painting those complicated designs for the curls, coileds, flaps and orientals that most squeak squeek* about.

      Please, I implore you to sleep on it for as long as you need to come up with a way to get this tiger pattern into the store rotation. I’m sure we’re fully aware they’d be more than the usual $50 curl price. I believe everyone here understands that kind of design would be more money… but anything is better than ebay in my vast experience in research.




          That is a great suggestion and i would for sure buy a LIMITED PRODUCTION piece from the online store if it was a tiger or a zebra curlie! even tho I still want the eby one and even if I am lucky enough to win him I would still buy one from the store if they were to be produced…. πŸ˜‰


            Sway wrote:

            Melody, Mel, Melly, Mel Mel… I know this has been addressed in another thread but I had to draw your attention again so you see the demand.

            I fully understand and appreciate how hard it is to mass produce (for store) pieces that have intricate patterns, such as the absolutely stunning Tiger Curlie you have up on ebay. But I just have to beg anyway, for a way you can find a compromise.

            We’ve watched ebay for years and we know that we cannot afford special ebay pieces, even small flaps or curls. The store is basically all we can afford. Maybe ebay if ebay allowed payments but they don’t, nor would Windstone.

            That said (not making much of a case here!), I am SO begging you to try to come out with a stencil (to help you perhaps) so that you can put complicated tiger curls (or zebra curls or the like) in the store so that non-ebayers can afford to get them. Browsing ebay as I do, I saw the recent Tiger Curl and about fainted (same with the Siam Curl). It takes a lot for me to flip but that one just about did it for me. Truth be told, you are a genius (no really, you’re an artistic genius and I’m not sucking up; sometimes the truth is actually nice to hear!), so there must be a way for you to come up with painting those complicated designs for the curls, coileds, flaps and orientals that most squeak squeek* about.

            Please, I implore you to sleep on it for as long as you need to come up with a way to get this tiger pattern into the store rotation. I’m sure we’re fully aware they’d be more than the usual $50 curl price. I believe everyone here understands that kind of design would be more money… but anything is better than ebay in my vast experience in research.

            Finally, I’LL NEVER LET THE SQUEAK FOR BUCKSKIN HOOFERS, DIE! NEVER FORGET THE BUCKSKINS FOR THE STORE!!! πŸ˜€ Well if this is something you-all would like, it is possible I could make a tiger stencil to paint a batch of the curlies. The problem with using a stencil is that it loads up with paint, and after about a hundred uses it is all goobered up. This is ok with a simple stencil , you just cut out another one, but with a complicated tiger pattern, each stencil may take an hour to cut out! Maybe I’m just lazy, I guess and hour for a hundred or so uses isn’t too bad…maybe I can someone else to do it


              Show me what to do and I’ll do it πŸ˜€
              I think those tiger curlies are really nice. If not for the store, definately do some more for Ebay! squeek* squeek*


              Phoenix wrote:

              Show me what to do and I’ll do it πŸ˜€
              I think those tiger curlies are really nice. If not for the store, definately do some more for Ebay! squeek* squeek*

              DITTO! πŸ˜€

              I’m adding my squeak for tiger curlies!


                My squeak is definitely, absolutely for the store since everyone in my household cannot afford ebay at any rate. I second what Phoenix said about “show me what to do and I’ll do it” with regard to cutting out stencils. I’m serious. I love these patterns (tiger and other wild cats especially… speaking for my household) so much, yes, I’d be willing to help create the stencil with given instructions on how to do it. Not speaking for anyone specifically but I’m willing to bet if it came to that, other forum members would jump right in and offer the same just to have that pattern (or other future complicated design patterns) in the store. I’d buy these patterns on way more than just the Curls… whatever lands in the store with a tiger, zebra or fire flame style print on it, we’d want to buy over here.

                We all ask the world of you Melody and you pretty much deliver. I know I speak for others when I say we don’t want any undue pressure on you. So, if there is anything I, myself can do to help you out with creation, please, truly let me know and I’ll try to do as you ask.

                squeek* Buckskins 4-eva! squeek* πŸ˜€


                  Melody wrote:

                  Well if this is something you-all would like, it is possible I could make a tiger stencil to paint a batch of the curlies. The problem with using a stencil is that it loads up with paint, and after about a hundred uses it is all goobered up. This is ok with a simple stencil , you just cut out another one, but with a complicated tiger pattern, each stencil may take an hour to cut out! Maybe I’m just lazy, I guess and hour for a hundred or so uses isn’t too bad…maybe I can someone else to do it

                  WOOHOOOO!!! I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED Tiger Curlies!!!! Send me the stencils and I’ll cut them for you ^_^


                    I would love a tiger curlie or any other sculpt in the tiger scheme. Love them πŸ˜€ squeek*


                    I would be willing to cut stencils out! I would be willing to do ANYTHING to help get siamese curlies in the store.


                      Add me to those who squeek* squeek* squeek* for tiger curlies! I’ll help cut stencils as well. So you’re getting a stencil cutting crew here so what do ya say, Mel? πŸ˜€


                        a tiger curlie would be a must buy for me!


                          Then we can have Cheetah curlies! πŸ˜€


                            Yeps–just send us them stencils and we’ll sharpen our scissors and start cutting! By the way, I wouldn mind seeing tiger stripes on Poads, fledgies and the like. We’ve got our scissors ready! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                              i would love to help make stencils!!! πŸ˜€
                              no one stencil would be the same if multiple people help, making the production pieces each unique πŸ˜€

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