May have to quit my job… ok not so bad

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    Deleted everything because of a misunderstanding. Those who replied and want an update, please see my last post. 🙂



    yiiiikes…. kinda one reason i don’t eat meat at all. i would definitely, definitely, definitely report them… not that it would really do much, as from what i hear, that’s kinda industry standard.


      Now that sucks, both for them as a company and for you personally.

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        Yes! Definitely report them.


        Sorry (if not surprised) to hear that. 🙁 But you might want to be careful what/how much you say here too, as it is public. Hate to see you get in trouble (before you’re ready to walk). 🙁


          Adaneth wrote:

          Sorry (if not surprised) to hear that. 🙁 But you might want to be careful what/how much you say here too, as it is public. Hate to see you get in trouble (before you’re ready to walk). 🙁

          I would like to add that with the economy the way it is try to find another job first


            That sucks.


              Wow, that is SICK.


                That totally sucks!!!! 😡 Adaneth is right, be careful what you say here–you never know. The job market is pretty tight right now–hope you can line something else up before you exit.


                  While this is public, and it would be great to have another job lined up first, I wouldn’t hesitate to report them. It’s a hazard to the health of consumers, AND it’s a potential hazard to you. Though I don’t know anything about Canadian laws, at least here, you might get in trouble for NOT reporting it. Plus, if they’re only employing you for the sake of having someone LOOK like they’re doing QC, then they have no incentive to keep anyone around other than to keep their secret.


                    I would definitely check out your Canadian laws. I think each state is a little different with its “whistleblower” laws, but retaliation from an employer is not allowed… and would get them into deeper trouble.


                    Ok, so it’s not as bad as I thought… still kinda bad, but not enough to call it quits, yet.

                    I talked to my boss, it gets entered in the database as what I got (the high number) and that it’s guaranteed that all of the ecoli are non pathogens, as they check for the pathogenic one in Calgary before we even get it.

                    I forget what she said about the spare, something about CFIA and pretending we retested, because they think all ecoli are bad ecoli, whatever the results from Calgary are. But she did let me shred it. Which was good.

                    Now I am brain ded from a 11 hour day and another one tomorrow so sleep time for me…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


                    Glad it was resolved.


                      The point of testing for coliforms is to test for potential fecal contamination, not necessarily that bad E. coli is present. There are other coliforms and fecal-related bacteria that can be harmful. High coliform counts are bad, even if the presence of “bad” E. coli is undetectable. I hope they shape up. Pretending to do the recount is bad.

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