Mariah's small dragon pg 4

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      I FINALLY finished my 1st PYO I got back in February. It’s a wolf that I painted from photos of my fiance’s old husky. I was going to give it to him, but he doesn’t seem to really like it, so it’ll either go to my mom (who does) or a friend, or I’ll try eBaying it. (when it started getting the “well, if you changed this” and I don’t know about ____, try that” I’d set it aside, I never like my own stuff anyhow)

      The Golden glaze I’d gotten said ‘satin’, but it was thick, and dried glossy. Think I’ll go back to the cheapo spray-on stuff I used when I made some crafts.

      Misty, my fiance’s old dog and model for the PYO.
      (lost image can try to refind)



          I love it! The wings are beautiful. 😀


            oooo! he is very pretty! I love those blue highlights.


            I think he looks fantastic, great job!


              Silly hubby! He looks great!! Love the wings! I’m sure He’ll find a good home.


                Beautiful job!


                  I think he is very nice, and a good likeness to your fiance’s husky.


                  I really like it. I love the wings and the blue highlights go really well.


                  The wings are real eye-catchers. I like!


                    Thanks so much for all the lovely comments! 😀 I was feeling rather poorly about him after the lukewarm reception he got. If my mother or a friend don’t end up taking him, I’ll go ahead and ebay him- after I find the missing felt pad for his bottom lol. That’s what I get for setting him aside!

                    Maybe I can try the dragon for me now! And I do have an idea for a griffin, which would be sent on to a new home.


                    Don’t ever feel poorly aobut your PYO’s. I have before too, but then again…Do you honestly think Michaelangelo ever felt bad about any of his works? 😆
                    Each artist has their distinct style. And Misty looks lovely!!! 😀


                      He turned out VERY nice! I really like him! Wishing you the best of luck on evilbay!


                      i like the way you did the wings with the color in the center and light on the outsite.


                        So pretty and a wonderful likeness of Misty.

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