Many, many Windstones for sale! More pieces 5/8/08, MO's now

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Many, many Windstones for sale! More pieces 5/8/08, MO's now

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  • #694897

      Keplilly wrote:

      I don’t suppose she can take payment plans….Otherwise I guess I’ll have to dream. 🙂

      I can inquire after she’s done traveling! She’s on a very hectic and busy travel schedule (her work sends her all over the USA) but perhaps once it calms down she’ll have time to manage such a thing… 🙂

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


      Forgive me, I’m new at this and had posted in the wrong section…let’s see if this is correct – Smile

      On behalf of our entire family, we would like to thank Jennifer for her guidance and direction in the selling of my brother’s collection. Melody whose art inspired Greg in so many ways. To all the Forum Members who purchased his dragons, thank you so much.
      I have kept my promise with all of your help, his dragons are now beautifully displayed literally across the country.
      Melody’s dragons along the way brought our family together, you see no one in our family was a collector…until…they started to view this site and then one by one my brother’s and sister began to visit my home which had become Greg’s Storage for all he loved. First, I wanted to keep the White Male that I bought for Greg 14-15 yrs ago for Christmas, he seemed so lonely I took the Mother and Hatchling to complete the family. My brother and sister were amazed by the Dragons beauty, what all of you and my brother knew all along, they too now have the Dragon’s displayed in their homes.
      Our deepest thanks and gratitude to all of you for being a part of this most wonderful family of collectors,more importantly helping me keep the promise I made to Greg.

      We still have several Dragons left if anyone is interested, please let me know (not by PM – I dont know how to use it – grin) and I’ll post list. After July 20th, the remaining Dragons/collection will be sold to a wonderful dealer of Windstones.

      Again, Melody and Jennifer thank you both.


      I’m sorry I couldn’t buy any of the items. I hope you will be able to sell the rest. (Oh, wait I just read that you are selling them to a dealer if you can’t…)


      Yes, we will then sell them to a very reputable dealer of Windstones after the 20th of July. This way we know all his dragons will go to wonderful homes with the same appreciation my brother had. But I am in search of Pink Dragons, my daughter – his favorite niece (grin) is a collector of pink and I thought “what a wonderful Christmas gift” if I could find a Pink Dragon for her!


        Hi there,

        I’m very glad that you were able to re-home many of your brothers treasured dragons. I’m sure they will be very well cared for. 🙂
        Melody’s work sure is special!

        If you’re looking for pink dragons, then maybe check out the below link. A pink curled dragon was just listed for sale by another forum member today in the flea market. The curled dragons are small, but very cute.


        I saw the curlie, very, very pretty and almost tempting but I’m truly in search of a pink family. My daughter tried to take my White mother, male and hatchling this weekend and then said “if only they made pink dragons!”. It was at that point I realized I must learn to navigate the site better!!!


          😆 😆 😆 I’m still learning myownself…



            Promise Keeper wrote:

            I saw the curlie, very, very pretty and almost tempting but I’m truly in search of a pink family. My daughter tried to take my White mother, male and hatchling this weekend and then said “if only they made pink dragons!”. It was at that point I realized I must learn to navigate the site better!!!

            So far Windstone hasn’t made a pink family, just the curled and the lap dragon have come in pink.


              Right. No pink family yet. Just the Lap Dragon and the Curly.

              Welcome to the forum!


                welcome to the Forum you will now get hooked too


                Very welcome. The reunion sounds like it went very well. It was an absolute pleasure doing business with you. I wish all transactions I engage in would go as well as yours did. 😎

                It’s an honor to display Gregs dragons in my home.

                Jennifer did such a superb job with it all. Did you see the first page? I thought I was reading a legal document. 😉

                Best wishes to you,


                P.S. Welcome to the forums ❗

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