
Male Dragons in "old" copper patina

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Male Dragons in "old" copper patina

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      We have a very few of the Male Dragon painted in the old first version of the Copper Patina but with teal eyes rather than the red eyes. These were painted some time ago and were hanging around waiting to be finished. If you are interested in one, please email me at susie@windstoneeditions.com with your name and address, how you would like it shipped, and I will send you a paypal invoice. The price is $132.00 each plus shipping. There are only a few. (Please do not PM me – the email will work much better)


        We still have 4 of the old copper patina colored Male Dragons with teal eyes – If you want one Please email me at susie@windstoneeditions.com.


          Just thought I’d bump this up – we still have two of these “old” copper patina male dragons with teal eyes.


            There is just one Male Dragon in old Copper Patina with teal eyes left! If you want him, please email me with your name, address, choice of shipping, and I will send you a Paypal invoice.

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