
Male dragon sculpts question

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Male dragon sculpts question

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  • #503457
    Wampus Dragon

      I know this was kind of answered before, but I cannot find the thread for the life of me. I have an old brown male (really old, no felt pad) and an old green male. The area around the eyes are DRASTICALLY different from each other. The old brown male has really wide eyes with large scales around the eye. The old green has super squinty eyes with tiny scales around the eye that remind me of the wedding cake male. Was that mold ever cast into batches of old greens? This male definitely has a ‘glaring’ look to him, way more so than the others.


        This isn’t exactly an answer to your question, but the thread I created asking about the male sculpt recently is here:


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          The squinty eyed castings were all out of one individual mold but I really have no idea how many of these are around or exactly what colors they were painted. We didn’t keep track of this. It would be interesting to see how many squinty ones we can find.
          Hannah found the link to the other thread about this,so to save time, I’ll just paste my reply to that one here:

          “Yes there are several variations in the Male dragons, this is most noticeable if you compare a really old one with a newer one. If you compare the older ones to each other you may notice that they have different eyelid scale patterns. When we first were casting these dragons, we used a plaster “master” to cast the molds on. This master’s eyelids would break almost every time a mold was made on it, so I re-sculpted them a million times -until we had cast an epoxy master to replace the plaster one. The eyes will vary in how open they are too, because I would sometimes need to rebuild the entire upper part of the eye socket.

          The later dragons have a more polished finish and more rounded dorsal scales. The pointy ones caused the molds to rip. The mother dragon has these differences also.
          We often make changes to pieces if something doesn’t cast well. Sometimes slightly rounding some detail will make a huge difference in mold life.”

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