Male Dragon in Brimstone is hidden from view Sept 18, 2023

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Male Dragon in Brimstone is hidden from view Sept 18, 2023

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      Male Dragon in Brimstone Status Update 9/27/23: He’s still in hiding while we continue to offer him to those who had joined the waitlist before he went into hiding! He’ll most likely be hiding for another week or so. -Susie

      We have hidden the new Male Dragon in the red Brimstone color while we offer our next batch of them in Password Protected form to those who are on the waiting list for it. We only have about half as many dragons as we have people signed up on the list – I’m sorry there won’t be more for these for a while after they sell out. When I send you an email if you are no longer interested, please reply to the email promptly to let me know so that I may offer yours to the next person in line. Orders received must have the email that is on the waiting list on them – Please do not give or sell your spot on the waiting list to someone else. If you have any questions about how this works, please email

      For those wondering about other styles of dragons in Brimstone: We have plans to eventually offer the whole dragon family in Brimstone if we can. Some of the styles may be a year or more in the future.


        They will be worth the wait for sure. They look like a TP but at store prices. Just super wow!

        Do the right thing, when no one is looking...♥


          I’m trying to add a picture of the Male Dragon in Brimstone… let’s see if it works!

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