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      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
      My art:


        Hi guys!

        Just wanted to let you know that I’ll be at Lunacon Friday-Sunday, and won’t be able to check the forums most likely. If you are in the area and are going to the con please swing by and say hello! I will be helping Larry Dixon and Mercedes Lackey man their table there.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          Have a good time!


            What is Lunacon? However I am jealous that you get to meet/work with Mercedes Lackey. She’s probably my favorite author. 🙂

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              Too bad I have to drive to and from Syracuse on Sunday for a fraternity official visit (need to check up on one of my chapters) and use all of Saturday to get as much costuming and art commission work as I can done (prepping for an upcoming con and working on some pyos). I’d drive down for the con if I could afford the time, but I’ve lost all of my free time and weekends in February from being uber sick with a stupid sinus/chest cold that totally kicked my butt. Hope the con goes well for you! Good luck! :bye:


              I met Jennifer at Lunacon yesterday! I got back from Hawaii Mon and was completely jet lagged – then had chemo Tues which pretty much finished me off for a few days. So I hadn’t been on the forum. Then Friday I got on the computer for a few minutes and saw Jennifer’s thread. I live a little over an hour from Rye Brook, NY and have gone to Lunacon the last couple of years on Sunday – always worked Saturday. But this year when the info came I just recycled it because I knew it was right after a chemo round and I’m usually in bed. But when I realized Jen was going to be there and Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon (I’m a HUGE fan of both of them) I had to go! My sister Joanne was nice enough to drive me – I couldn’t have made it myself.

              I ran into Jen in the dealer’s room at the Dragon’s Lair table. She is so great! We got to chat for a few minutes and then went to a talk Larry was doing with Bob Eggleton. Then there was an interview that he and Mercedes Lackey did for a radio show that was really good. And I got to meet Mercedes Lackey when she signed some books for me. She was really great – she gave me a recipe for soup for bad days of chemo. One of the embarrassing side effects of chemo is sometimes I just start crying – don’t have to be sad or anything, suddenly I’m just crying. Both Jen and Mercedes were great. Then Jen and I chatted a little more and Joanne took me home.

              It was great – I’m so glad I got to meet both Jen and Mercedes! I meant to post this last night but I was completely wiped by the time Joanne and I got home so I collapsed on the couch and then went to bed early. But next round should be better – I’m going down to one drug! Yippee!


              That is so wonderful, ddvm! 😀 I’m delighted you got to meet them all!


                I was so surprised and excited to meet ddvm!! What a treat! If I had known she was going to be there I would have planned a surprise… but as it was I was just really happy to see her. I hope you had a great time ddvm!!

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  I’m so glad you ladies got to meet and that you had a great time, DDVM 😀


                    You met Bob Eggleton and Jen!
                    Lucky you!
                    Glad you could make it and have a great time. 😀

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