Looks like someone is trying to hijack KaytanaPhoenix thread for their own advertising!!!!

Home Forums Miscellany Help & Feedback Looks like someone is trying to hijack KaytanaPhoenix thread for their own advertising!!!!

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  • #506298

    Link to KaytanaPhoenix thread, post # 5 Seems a “new” user has added a link to their own “rice” selling items. Don’t know if this is an advertising BOT or not but it does not belong in her thread as far as I can see.



      Yes, I flagged it as offensive an hour or so ago. Don’t know if it qualifies or not, but I tried! 🙂


        lol, well that just goes ‘n shows my luck, the only reply to my thread is spam XD lol! Wasn’t there a prob a lil while back with things like this that had to be taken care of? I hope it isn’t showing up again!


          Thnk you! Several people flagged it and now I’ve made it go away! When you see something like this, please either flag it or email us at service@windstoneeditions.com (or both, if its really bad) and we’ll make it go away! We regard advertising spam as “offensive” – it just doesn’t belong here.


          Didn’t even realize that flagging was the way to go. I do now and will in future not make a thread about it. Sorry! 🙂


            Glad you did on this one! I thought maybe I was the only person who felt that it was odd. 🙂

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