
Lookit! A birthday surprise from Iraq!

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    My brother, who is serving in the Army in Iraq- God Bless our Troops– sent me a message saying
    “Happy Early Birthday, UPS Surprise for You”


    ZOMG! WOWOWOW! They’re soo precious. 😀
    <3 Curlie Love <3
    p.s. my bday isn’t until August 1st, so it’s really early. But I don’t mind one bit!



    Wow-what a great brother! Hope he stays safe! Congrats!


      Thats great! What a nice brother. I hope he comes home soon and safe! 😀


        I want a brother like that! Congrats!! 😀


        Thanks for all the love <3 I'm so happy 😀


        Aw thats really really sweet of him! 😀 I hope he stays safe and well along with everyone out there!


          What a great brother you have!!! My blessings and best wishes go out to all our troops.


            😯 HOLY COW! Even with all the tribulation going on, he managed to snag you some AWESOME presents. Karma is definatly in his favor hehe

            Happy Birhtday!!


            Soo sweet, Happy Birthday and I hope he comes home soon, safe and sound!!!


              How sweet of your brother! Who cares if it’s early if it’s Windstones right?

              I Would love an Old Warrior one day.. any Old Warrior!


                That’s really nice of him to think of you when he’s there. How awesome to get such nice gifts!


                emerald212 wrote:

                That’s really nice of him to think of you when he’s there. How awesome to get such nice gifts!

                Indeed. It is amazing. But thankfully where he is it is “more” safe and stable (think the Green Zone), and he is doing well. He and his wife are both Sgts on their second tours. He’ll be coming home for good (we pray) in February. He’s going to get so much great stuff when he’s home. Sending pretties to a dirty place like Iraq would be heartbreaking, so he gets to wait. 🙂


                That is way cool of him. I also hopes they stay safe. Congrats.


                That was great of him. Here’s hoping he stays safe and arrives home fine.

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