Looking for someone who's done this…

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  • #811036

      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Thanks Peg! 😀 *Is lost when it comes to remembering where things are in the forums* 😳

      Leigha wrote:

      Peg you are amazing at finding quotes on this forum. I get lost looking for things that have been said.

      Comes from spending too much time on the forum. 😆 In reality, this bit of info was easier to find than some other things would have been…only because I remembered it being discussed several times since I joined the forum and had a rough idea where to find it. Now ask me about something that happend before I joined and I’m as clueless as the next person.


        I so love this one.Add a little yellow and orange blended in at the tips and WOW! Thanks for the idea 🙂

        You are very good Serenity 🙂

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          Thanks and you’re welcome!


          OMG!!!! I want your mouse! 😮
          The dragon is pretty too! 😉 😀


            WindstoneCollector wrote:

            OMG!!!! I want your mouse! 😮
            The dragon is pretty too! 😉 😀

            The track ball is alright but gets dirty a lot… you have to pop the ball out and clean it and the tiny barings that it rides on! I have a wireless optiacal mouse now and love it!

            And thank you on the dragon! 😉


              I’ve done two. Both were given to friends of mine.

              This guy was actually my first dragon I painted.


                Here’s my black and red dragon 😀 .


                Ooooh, that one’s awesome PT!

              Viewing 8 posts - 31 through 38 (of 38 total)
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