Looking for Silver Fledgling Dragon

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Looking for Silver Fledgling Dragon

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  • #508647

    I was doing a google search and found this beautiful picture of a silver fledgling dragon here:

    But I don’t see it in the store. Is this a retired one or a custom painted one? I don’t see fledglings in the Paint Your Own section. Would love to get one just like this if they are available.


      The Silver Fledgling is under “Postponed Production”, which does not guarantee that Windstone will make any more.


      You can always click “Join Waitlist” on the Silver Fledgling page. Other options are posting a “Wanted” ad in the Windstone Classifieds (top of the page in the drop down menu under “Community”), or watching for one to appear on eBay. Good luck. 🙂


      Thank you so much!


        You can also post ads in the classified section. It’s under the community tab at the top of the page. 🙂 good luck. That’s how I got my Copper fledgling.

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