Looking for: People who have not yet gotten a Grab Bag Baby Unicorn

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Looking for: People who have not yet gotten a Grab Bag Baby Unicorn

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      OK, so after much thought and deliberation, I have decided to give up some of my Grab Bag Baby collection. Here’s the thing: I don’t want to sell them to just anyone who PM’s me first – I really want these guys to go to people who have missed out on every (I mean EVERY) batch of Grab Bag (or “Goof Up”, as the first batch was called) Baby Unicorns.

      The way that I want to do this is simple – in this next week, I am going to be acquiring more of these fellows than is necessary for me to own (by three, precisely). I will decide on the ones I want to keep, and then the 3 that I will not be keeping will be going up for sale. I’d love it if people did NOT PM me about this – please just put your name in this thread, stating that you have not gotten a Grab Bag Baby yet (again, really looking only for people who have never gotten a Baby!). On or around next Monday (could be Sunday, could be Tuesday) I will put everyone’s names into a hat if I have more than 3 entries, then I’ll shuffle them around and draw 3.

      The first person I draw will have first choice on baby, second will have second choice, third will have third choice.

      If I don’t hear back from you within 24 hours of picking your name, I’ll be moving on to the next person and picking another name, so if you know you’re going to be away, or you feel a cold coming on or whatever, PLEASE tell me ahead of time! I will of course make exceptions to this rule if you ask me to give you a little extra slack.

      If there are babies that you absolutely cannot stand, you may just want to try your luck when the next batch comes out! each of the babies that I will be selling are different, but in general I try to collect palominos and pintos and the like so it’s VERY LIKELY they will be something from this category. I am also in the process of trading right now so the ones you think I have may not be the ones that I actually have for trade when the time comes. I’ll be keeping them a secret until next Monday.

      Also, please be aware that if you are the third person picked and you get the baby you liked the least, that there’s always people out there trading! Getting one of these doesn’t mean it’ll be the only one you get! Think of it as an opportunity to trade for something else (the very thing Melody was thinking of when she started these πŸ™‚ )!

      If anyone gets picked and drops out for whatever reason, I will pick again randomly from the hat. And just to be clear – I am NOT selling these to people who already have babies. Even if I get 0 entries for this, I’ll be keeping them for trades – I’m doing this for the people who have missed out only! I hope everyone understands and respects that πŸ™‚

      My asking price is $65 (store price) plus shipping. I’m not looking to make any money off of these, I just really want to see more people with Babies πŸ™‚

      Update: I’m going to start adding names to a little list here, of people who wish to be included in the drawing – please feel free to PM me if you don’t see your name added after a day or so! This is of course only a list of people who will be putting their names in the hat – this isn’t a list of winners!

      Current List of people who wish to be included in the drawing:


      Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
      Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


        Awww that’s really awesome! I know you will make some instant friends by doing this for those who have missed out time after time πŸ™‚


        You rock! πŸ™‚


          YAY! πŸ˜€

          This is an AWESOME idea, Hannah. I’ve missed out so far on getting any GB babies, so I definitely want in on this.

          Thanks so much!


            OMG! I love you, Hannah! Yes, I would definitely be interested!. And I will make sure Eleu sees this. See doesn’t have one either. πŸ™‚


              OMG! I love you, Hannah! Yes, I would definitely be interested!. And I will make sure Eleu sees this. See doesn’t have one either. πŸ™‚

              Eleu was just able to get one this time around! She just posted her lovely little uni in the grab bag thread yesterday. πŸ™‚


                OMG! I love you, Hannah! Yes, I would definitely be interested!. And I will make sure Eleu sees this. See doesn’t have one either. πŸ™‚

                Eleu was just able to get one this time around! She just posted her lovely little uni in the grab bag thread yesterday. πŸ™‚

                Awesome! :bigsmile:


                OMG! I love you, Hannah! Yes, I would definitely be interested!. And I will make sure Eleu sees this. See doesn’t have one either. πŸ™‚

                Aww, thank you so much Bayoudragon for thinking of me! *blush* I was lucky enough to get one of the late bloomers from last week πŸ™‚


                  That is so sweet of you , Hannah. Just wonderful . I hope those who want one find this .

                  Not me , ok . lol


                    If you would be so kind as to include me, I’d lub you fo ebber. Haven’t had a single chance… Thankies so much for the opportunity!

                    twindragonsmum πŸ™‚



                      wow, this is wonderful! I’d love to add my name in. I have yet to catch a sale. πŸ™‚
                      Thank you!

                      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      You are beyond wonderful. You definitely embody what I believe Melody envisioned when she conceived the grab bags. Thank you for bringing joy and good spirit back to the forum.


                        πŸ™‚ The positive response to this is almost overwhelming – hugs all around!! All of your words really touch me πŸ™‚

                        I’m going to start updating the first post with people’s names who wish to be included in the drawing – if you don’t see your name on there within a day of posting here, feel free to PM me to make sure that I got it! I just want to make SURE that everyone who wants in gets in πŸ™‚

                        I just wish I had enough unis for everyone πŸ™

                        Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                        Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                          It’s okay, Hannah. The fact that you’re doing the bit you can is awesome! and you’ve been awesome friend to get to know πŸ˜‰

                          twindragonsmum πŸ™‚



                            I have an idea: Instead of giving first pick to the person whose name is drawn first, second drawn gets second pick, etc., you could make it a true grab bag. Don’t post any pictures of the GB babies you have, and choose who gets which baby at random. That way, the three people drawn can experience the same curiosity and anticipation as the people who were able to snag one from the store. I think the element of surprise is part of the fun. πŸ™‚

                            Also, this way no one could whine, “Aw, I wish I got first pick”, because they wouldn’t know what the other baby unis look like (until they get posted in the GB baby uni thread, that is ;)).

                            I just thought I’d bring this up as an option. I’m just happy to be in the running.

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