
looking for mama and baby black pegasus

Home Forums Administration Flea Market looking for mama and baby black pegasus

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    hi all!!!
    i was wondering if anyone was willing to part with one of these guys. this would be a gift for my sister who fell in love with them when she saw mine on my shelf. :::sighs::: i really wish she could have fallen for them when they were still in stock 😉 ..lol.
    Her birthday is coming up so i figure this would be the perfect gift and bring a smile to her face.
    Thank you for taking time to read this post. Blaze.

    “happy hunting” 😀


      I don’t have them, but I thought I would get you to clarify on which baby pegasus. The one that is laying down or the hatching one?


      whoops! sorry about that pegasi, she liked the layin down black pegasus baby. 😳 thanks for the reply 😀


        Will these be produced again? I thought they were LP, but they’re still in the store though ‘out of stock’. (my mom wants them too lol- same baby)


        Melody answered this question for me recencly in the “Ask Melody” folder about producing more. I was also curious because the Mother and Laying baby are the two I missed.

        Unfortunately, she stated no, she probably won’t be doing anymore of the black pegasi family. *SNAP*

        I’m very surprised by how many of the Father are still left to purchase. I doubt they produced more of him than the rest, but who knows.

        ~Hoofer has neighed.


          sigh….I wouldnt mind snagging a lying down baby black pegasus either. Maybe we’ll both get lucky. 😀


            A seller I bought a wizard from on ebay yesterday said she had a baby black pegasus she might part with, I’m trying to convince her to stop by the flea market boards and sell here first, to avoid the nasty evil bay fees.


            I’d rather try and talk Ms. Melody into producing another batch!

            Especially if the number of family members are scewed. You know, if more pieces of one particular pose was produced moreso than the rest.

            Personally I believe that the Mother and Laying baby were sold out faster because of the price being lower when compared to the the Hatching baby and Father. Who knows though.

            I wonder if she/they (Windstone) started to keep records of production numbers. That way they’d know if a particular pose in this color scheme was produced moreso than any other.

            We can only hope she’ll hear our pleas and reconsider another batch. Considering how many of us “Hoofer lovers” still want them, Windstone would probably have no trouble selling another small batch.

            I’m sure that’s not what Windstone intended when they opened this forum, us requesting more items to be produced. But you can’t deny it, this is the perfect venue for our requests/desires to be heard.

            Mayhaps with enough of us showing our desire (equating into purchase power) she might reconsider the request. Even if she did reconsider, I’m sure that it’s something she wouldn’t be able to accomodate until after the move, whenever that’s going to occur.

            Just a thought …. and I was always taught, it never hurts to ask!

            ~Hoofer has neighed.


              It doesn’t hurt to ask, and we’ve learned around here that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, which ended up with a squeak emoticon. :squeak:

              Squeaking seems to work.


              Bribery never hurts either. 😆

              Chocolate works wonders! 😉


                I’d like to squeak for another batch then, I’d like to get a couple of them. 🙂

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