looking for a silver necklace charm…

Home Forums Miscellany Community looking for a silver necklace charm…

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    I’m looking for a small silver necklace charm of the number 6 XD… anyone know where I can find one? I tried a ebay search but that didn’t turn out so well ^^;


    Try a search for ‘number six’ in the Charms & Charm bracelets subcategory. I’ve attached my search link below, but I don’t know if it will work… 🙄


    Hope that helps! 🙂


    well I can’t really use ebay at the moment actually, but thanks. ^^ I checked amazon and there are a bunch, but they’re all really expensive. o.o



      This is EXACTLY what I need!!! O_________________O


      *screams* but I can’t use ebay or paypal at the moment T____T


        I get paid tomorrow; I don’t have money now, but if you want, it’s cheap and I could go ahead and get it for you then if it’s still available. It says shipping from the seller is free, so you’d just have to pay the purchase price and shipping from me (I’m in Florida). After I have it in hand, you could mail me a check and I could send it out when it clears. I have eBay feedback under pipsxlch and have dealt with people here. I know how it feels to just wish you could get some stupid little something and with the way things are sucking now you can’t!


          I was thinking the same thing, I asked the seller if they would be willing to just ship it straight to PaperCut, but no response yet. Also PMd PaperCut and haven’t heard back from her either, I don’t think she’s on here as often as some of us… 😳 😀


          ^^;; yeah sorry about that. I can only get online about once a month. XD;

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