
Looking for a cheap damaged male dragon

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    can have damage/chips anywhere BUT the face. I want to fix my white male, but I can’t without another dragon to go by 😕 Just not that skilled.


    I thought you were gonna have Whippet fix him. I still haven’t been able to look at the pictures of how badly he was damaged.

    I feel for you…I’d be willing to try to fix him…if Whippet doesn’t have the time.



    Kyrin wrote:

    I thought you were gonna have Whippet fix him. I still haven’t been able to look at the pictures of how badly he was damaged.

    I feel for you…I’d be willing to try to fix him…if Whippet doesn’t have the time.


    It’s mostly a money thing. i’d rather have two dragons here to fix up myself, using peices and parts and whatnots, than to send him to/from, and pay to have him fixed. Whippet did offer to fix him, it just would end up beinging cheaper for me to buy a damaged dragon and try to fix him myself. I was going to repaint him when he’s done. But, I need something to work with, since the face disinigrated, and all I have are two very small peices. 😕 Not really much to work with there.


    I’d be willing to try for just shipping costs.

    No charge to repair…especially as I am not completely sure I can, until I see him. But I have repaired a few ceramics here and there that one would think were unsavable.

    And I wouldn’t mind the challenge.


    Kyrin wrote:

    I’d be willing to try for just shipping costs.

    No charge to repair…especially as I am not completely sure I can, until I see him. But I have repaired a few ceramics here and there that one would think were unsavable.

    And I wouldn’t mind the challenge.

    Pm’d ya! 😀

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