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  • #490711


        I’d like to find a brown male dragon and a black male griffin. I know the brown males on ebay have been hovering around the 100 mark but I have no idea on what a black griff would run. What do they typically go for?


          You might want to ask littleironhorse. LIH has a database of how much things sell for on ebay.


          Before i joined here there was a topic about a black griffin BIN on ebay UK everyone was saying what a good price he was.

          I had brought him the day i joined and was so happy i found out that i got a good deal lol.
          He was my first ever Windstone 8)
          I brought him for £75 and then £20 postage $200

          The postage to the US was about £40, i think thats why no one else brought him as thats expensive.

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