Long Rant sbout Dogs and STUPID Neighbors

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    [=cyan]HE APOLOGIZED 🙄 But the fence is still going back up. He came over feeling very bad about the whole thing and wanting to remain friends and good neighbors. I agree, to a point. But I also no longer trust him. It didn’t help when he was back out driving his golf cart in front with the little dogs running behind it. And while I was at the surgery center today my daughter called to say they were all in our yard right up to the house again. Our dogs were on their runners. We’ve asked him about this and he just says if they’re a problem shoot em [=red]Good Grief like I would do that They are his grand kids pets.
    We started putting the original fence back up six inches from the property line. After all good fences make good neighbors =-) We are going to compare our survey with his and make sure we agree on where that is. Shouldn’t be a problem since we did that the first time but I don’t want any surprises. This is the temporary fix To keep our dogs out of their yard. Ironic since the only problem with injury has been to their wiener dog coming into our yard and fighting 😛 or being in the road loose. We’re calling a friend who does fences and we will end up with the entire ten acres fenced. We already have a paddock out front. Our driveway runs next to it from the road to the house. About 300 feet each direction from the house is our “yard” We have it planted with pasture grass so we can let the horses wander around the house occasionally when we are at home. 😀 We have not been able to that with the fence down. The rest of the property is pasture and woods and already fenced in for the horses. I’d love to eventually have dog fence around the whole thing and than get a bunch of Akita’s.

    Anyway the yard area will have dog proof fence around it. At least it will keep ours in 😉 [cyan]

    Thank you everybody for your advice and kind thoughts. It really helped to get me through the week end


    ruffian wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    Im sorry, too, but in the country or not, no dogs should be out running free. Glad you are getting a fence.

    I have to agree fully with this, in some places if your dog injures or kills another dog on your property you are 100% at fault for not preventing it from happening. I keep my dogs contained unless we are at the dog park because I dont want something like that happening.

    Our dogs are usually inside or on runners unless we are with them. They have always come running when called. You’re right a good fence is better. That is why our fence is going back up. When you mix big dogs with little dogs it is usually the little dog who gets Hurt. In this case our dogs and their Rottweiler have never hurt the smaller ones on purpose. The one with the broke hip has had it re broke twice. They don’t want to keep it confined (their words) 🙄


    Jasmine wrote:

    That really bites. I’m glad you’re putting up a fence, chainlink or wood?

    Actually it is horse fence. Cheaper than chain link and sturdier than hog wire and safe for the horses. We have 1200 or or more feet to do. 😉


    foxfeather wrote:

    Gah, I have a neighbor like that too, but he’s across the street from us. His Boxers escape his yard all the time and have attacked my dog when we were going for a walk. They have a bush fence and think that it will keep their dogs in the yard, never mind that even before the leaves fell, I could see several hole in it. They really should have a Chain link inside the bushes.

    It’s good that you’re putting the fence up again.

    San you call animal control or the Sherri ff and file a complaint? Part of our problem is that there is no animal control or regulation in this county.


    Barrdwing wrote:

    Good gad. What a bloody idiot. I love how his bad choices are suddenly your problem. He chose to not have his dog’s fracture fixed; now when his dog gets out and does something silly that reinjures it, it’s your fault. (Since he ran over it in the first place, it’s even stupider.) He wanted the fence down, and now he comes over and figuratively pisses on your doorpost and grunts and scratches about how big and mean he is and he’s gonna git yur dawwwwgs. He isn’t even intelligent enough to keep his dogs in their yard where they’d be safe. I sure wish stupidity was toxic to the host.

    Start documenting these little incursions of his, the fence thing, the original injury to the dachshund, and all that. It’s good that you’ve already talked to the sheriff; document that conversation too. Find out what all of the applicable laws are, regarding dogs and property fencing and all the rest. This SOB neighbor thinks he’s pretty hot stuff. He is going to keep on pushing into your face and at some point you may need to have some backup. Documenting the events and his threats will help a lot. He may be a worthless waste of protein, but he can still do a lot of harm. Protect yourself.

    I’m really sorry to hear about your grandmother being ill. 🙁 And also sorry about the miserable allergies. Hang in there.

    rotflmao 😆 I love your description.
    We called the Sheriff and they returned our call and recorded our statement. We have a lawyer friend eho is advising us. He’s had to deal with similar issues with his neighbors. And once the fence is up and posted we are sending a (tactful) letter out to all our neighbors about our new fencing and posting so they are aware and we have it in writng Whew all this over one little dog with a defective hip that they don’t want to take care of!


    My Grandmother passed away Sat night. It was expected and I am OK. She is with Grandpa now and they probably have the pontoon out on the lake fishing like we used to. 8)


      khat7 wrote:

      foxfeather wrote:

      Gah, I have a neighbor like that too, but he’s across the street from us. His Boxers escape his yard all the time and have attacked my dog when we were going for a walk. They have a bush fence and think that it will keep their dogs in the yard, never mind that even before the leaves fell, I could see several hole in it. They really should have a Chain link inside the bushes.

      It’s good that you’re putting the fence up again.

      San you call animal control or the Sherri ff and file a complaint? Part of our problem is that there is no animal control or regulation in this county.

      We already have, and it cost him $1200 cause he doesn’t pick up after his dogs when they do thier buisness on anyone’s yards and they weren’t licenced. Unfortunately the dogs have to wander and we have to catch them and send them to the pound for anything serious to be done 👿


      foxfeather wrote:

      khat7 wrote:

      foxfeather wrote:

      Gah, I have a neighbor like that too, but he’s across the street from us. His Boxers escape his yard all the time and have attacked my dog when we were going for a walk. They have a bush fence and think that it will keep their dogs in the yard, never mind that even before the leaves fell, I could see several hole in it. They really should have a Chain link inside the bushes.

      It’s good that you’re putting the fence up again.

      San you call animal control or the Sherri ff and file a complaint? Part of our problem is that there is no animal control or regulation in this county.

      We already have, and it cost him $1200 cause he doesn’t pick up after his dogs when they do thier buisness on anyone’s yards and they weren’t licenced. Unfortunately the dogs have to wander and we have to catch them and send them to the pound for anything serious to be done :evil:[/quote

      WOW He could have put that towards a fence!


      I’m glad that the neighbor apologized, but yeah, I wouldn’t be inclined to trust him either. It sounds like you and your family are handling the situation very well and covering all of the bases. Good luck! 🙂


      Glad the fence is almost up. So sorry about your grandma, even if it was expected I know it’s still sad.

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