Logo stones

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      I was wondering, I can’t seem to find a complete list of all the logo stones out there. How many were made? I was surprised to see a Kinsella castle one on ebay a while back.

      I’ve decided to start collecting them, so I’m curious.

      Also, were they just sent out to stores to put the catalogs in, or were they sold to customers as business card holders, or what? I would have thought they were just sent to stores, but I see so many of them on ebay that they just seem too common to be something that each dealer only got one or two of and didn’t actually sell to people.



          Good Question SPark!

          I’m thinking of getting a Claw one for my buisness cards….


            stores receive one logo stone to put the catalogs in. after that, they can buy them.


            The LogoStones I know of are the Gargoyle (claw foot), the Kinsella castles one, and the LogoStone rock with the Windstone griffin on it.


              I think there is a Journey Stones card holder, too…if that counts….they don’t get mentioned much (at all?).


                To the best of my knowledge, there were (are) four:

                Gargoyle foot holder
                Old holder with logo, gems, and a little frog
                Gary Kinsella castle holder
                Maya Hill Feminine Spirit holder

                The Gargoyle foot and Maya Hill are current and can be gotten from any dealer. The Gargoyle is $28 new, and the Maya Hill is $18 new. They are not on my web site, so PM me if you want to order any.

                The other two are retired.


                That “old holder” – is that the one with the Windstone griffin on it? Where are the gems and little frog?
                I wish I could look at mine, but it’s in Texas…


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  That “old holder” – is that the one with the Windstone griffin on it? Where are the gems and little frog?
                  I wish I could look at mine, but it’s in Texas…

                  Yep. That’s the one. The frog is on the lower right corner, and the “gems” are n different crevases of the “rock.” It looks like a rock that’s been embossed with Windstone Editions and the Griffin in gold. It’s pretty cool. I think there’s one on Ebay right now. I’ll go check and post the link.

                  Edit: Here it is.



                  Wow, I didn’t know it was so elaborate! WSC made me a present of that LogoStone. In a few months I’ll get to see it in person. Now it’s at Wolfen’s with 12 other Windstones of mine.


                    Are you bringing all your Windstones with you to college?


                      I was wondering about that too! πŸ˜€


                      I don’t know! I have some really big pieces – OW, Riser, gargoyles, with Wolfen, and I doubt I’ll have that much room to display them in college. Besides, I’d be scared to death my roommate would put a chip in one of them… πŸ˜•
                      I’m thinking about having a couple sent to me, especially since Mom has reserved a spot for the OW, who’s peacock, on the china cabinet in the living room. He’ll be out of harm’s way and will harmonize nicely with the room’s colors.
                      But I don’t know about the rest of them. Do you think I should lug them with me to MN, have them sent, box by box – I figure that’ll cost at least $300 – or just leave them at Wolfen’s for another couple years? Though if I leave them in Texas my collection will be split into three sections, because I know I won’t be able to help buying some while I’m in college… πŸ˜•


                        Shipping to MN would be SOO much cheaper than shipping to Switzerland, I know that much! (DUH, right? πŸ˜† ) My guy bought a big 42″ TV, and now he’s going to Korea, and the army won’t ship it for him. He’s gotta mail it home…I was thinking it would be a couple $$$ hundred…nope, only $40 😯 (if the weight is correct on the best buy website) I could probably get them all to you in MN for less than $100

                        SORRY! OFF TOPIC!


                        My fault. πŸ˜†
                        I know shipping would be cheaper. I might even save it if I can drive up to MN. But there’s the problem with display room at college…

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