Locks of Love

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    Well, first BPB did it, then a co-worker donated to locks of love, and my hair was getting long enough that I wanted to donate too, but my daughter kept telling me to not cut my hair (she plays with it when she’s tired or upset), so I kept putting it off. Then a few weeks ago I was making dinner and Kiera was drawing, cutting & taping paper while sitting RIGHT NEXT TO her dad… I came over bringing her plate and noticed that she had cut off her hair (except for a couple of locks). I asked Dave (husband): You didn’t notice??!! There were locks of hair on the floor ranging from 4 inches long to 9 inches long. 😯 So I told her now she couldn’t be upset if I cut my hair. πŸ™‚ The braid they cut off was just under 12 inches. πŸ™‚


    and now:

    (I swear I resize all my pictures. I don’t know why they’re always different sizes.)

    OK! Now it’s your turn twin! Let’s see πŸ™‚



      They all display the same size to me. So how does it feel to have short hair?


        I’ve done locks of love before, and am getting ready to do it again! πŸ˜€

        You looks great!


        My hair is so fried I can’t donate it. It breaks if I sneeze on it, cause of a perm I had done almost a year ago.

        Perhaps in another year or so I can.



        i wanted to do it right before surgery i got about 10 inches of hair cut off, but my mother inlaw butchered it so baddly they couldnt use it . this would have been my second time donating . The first time was somthing like 14 inches


          I do not have enough hair left on my head to be able to get enough to donate


            I wanted to but they won’t take coloured hair. πŸ™„


            Jasmine wrote:

            I wanted to but they won’t take coloured hair. πŸ™„

            they take colored hair just not permed hair . They strip the color out


              Cute pix boskydragon! I’ve gotta go scrounge around and see if I can come up with a ‘before’ pic… πŸ™„ (I’m camera shy) Your new do is way cute!

              twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                Very cute! I cant cut my hair. It takes too long to grow back.


                  I cut mine a few years ago and went short, it was about the same length as yours! I’m just now letting it grow back out, it was nice to have short hair for a while! I donated mine too! πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    I can’t cut my hair. It takes too long to grow back.

                    Same here. That and I don’t look very good with long hair.


                    Someday I will donate πŸ™‚ My hair is veeery long at the moment — down past my backside. It’s actually not been cut seriously since the 5th grade! One day though I will shock everyone and come home with a bob. Like the flappers of the Roaring 20’s? πŸ˜†


                      That is great of all of you. Its a worthy cause

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