It never hurts to bring a store to light for family here. Some of us dont have time to investigate the stores listed or try to find ones that arent. She was just trying to be nice and I for one, think it’s admirable just as I have for each of you (who posted) have brought other pieces to our attention. Heck, my intention with having started the Wish List (which is now Stickied so thank you forum staffers 😀 ) was for ppl to list what they wanted, everyone to see and perhaps remember or write down their friends wishes and get them for each other, or catch a scent for them.
OR- to take that ever increasing list with me everywhere I go, even if not planned, and happen across a Windstone in unlikely places to get a good find. My long winded point is I think Kgronski did a goodie, not a badie and I salute her.