LMAO everyone hates our 10 year anniversary

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      I joined this forum late, so I don’t know. Necron, are you and Purpledoggy married?


        purpledragonclaw wrote:

        I joined this forum late, so I don’t know. Necron, are you and Purpledoggy married?

        yes they are and new parents at that


        Thank you! I thought that, but I’ve learned that assumptions are dangerous, so I asked to be sure!


        Ouch. Your mother is evil!

        Tell them to piss off…. 👿

        Enjoy your 10 year anniversary!!!!!!!!


        purpledragonclaw wrote:

        I joined this forum late, so I don’t know. Necron, are you and Purpledoggy married?

        yup going on 10 years and after i die they had best put a statue of me at the besillica , as saint Dan patron saint of those who put up with butthole inlaws


          Tell them to take a hike, PD. You two enjoy your anniversary. Congrats on ten years. You two have gone through a lot. Celebrate your triumph over all the adversity.


          I’m with everyone else here: the rest of the family can go jump in the lake. You guys enjoy your anniversary and celebrate it with Alyssa. Seriously, if the people who have been horrible to you in the past want to screech because their bad scheduling of the reunion means that you can’t attend, well bad on them. Don’t sacrifice the day for the sake of nasty people. Take it for yourselves and build another happy memory. 🙂


          I suggest you write a little letter to the rest of the family members attending the reunion apologizing for missing the opportunity to see them this time, but that Sept. 20th is your 10th year wedding anniversary and that your Mom deliberately set the date to coincide just to make trouble.

          Let them all know you would love to see them some other time, and that if they plan to stay in town past the 20th, you and Danny would love to meet somewhere to visit.

          Mail them all out and that way at least, they will know the real reason you and Danny aren’t there, and if your Mom lies about it, she will look bad. Since everyone will have already heard from you why you aren’t there.

          It’ll really stick in her craw, but she deserves it.

          Meanwhile, don’t worry about it…make your plans and do what you want to for that day. *hugs* Come visit us here in Idaho, ride horses and have BBQ! You know we’d love to see you!



            Yup! I agree. You two come first. I dont think spending time with (your particular) family is an appropriate way to have to spend a wedding anniversary. Esp not such a signifigant one. So… whatcha’all gonna do?


              Necron99 wrote:

              purpledragonclaw wrote:

              I joined this forum late, so I don’t know. Necron, are you and Purpledoggy married?

              yup going on 10 years and after i die they had best put a statue of me at the besillica , as saint Dan patron saint of those who put up with butthole inlaws

              Post your meddling in-law caturday pic again, please. 😆


              laphon1 wrote:

              Tell them to take a hike, PD. You two enjoy your anniversary. Congrats on ten years. You two have gone through a lot. Celebrate your triumph over all the adversity.

              I agree. And I’m with ya on the horrid in-laws. We’ve been married 30 years. My husbands family is almost is bad. His Dad is a sweetheart but his mom ACK. We moved 900 miles away and she’s still a pain.

              Dk GreenGreenWhiteGrey


              I’m with Kyrin on this one; send short notes to the rest of the family ahead of time. (But not your mom… 😈 ) From what you’ve written before, your mother is just evil to the bone.


                Have a 10th anniversary party and take away all her party people!!!


                Kyrin wrote:

                I suggest you write a little letter to the rest of the family members attending the reunion apologizing for missing the opportunity to see them this time, but that Sept. 20th is your 10th year wedding anniversary and that your Mom deliberately set the date to coincide just to make trouble.

                Let them all know you would love to see them some other time, and that if they plan to stay in town past the 20th, you and Danny would love to meet somewhere to visit.

                Mail them all out and that way at least, they will know the real reason you and Danny aren’t there, and if your Mom lies about it, she will look bad. Since everyone will have already heard from you why you aren’t there.

                It’ll really stick in her craw, but she deserves it.

                Meanwhile, don’t worry about it…make your plans and do what you want to for that day. *hugs* Come visit us here in Idaho, ride horses and have BBQ! You know we’d love to see you!


                please dont encourage her to set up another time , its her mothers family the ones who wish ill upon us

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