Little Flame Dragon Complete

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Little Flame Dragon Complete

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    Photos really cruddies this up but here it is:


    Oooh, he’s positively lurvely! I like the horns and claws; they blend in well with the rest of him, they don’t stand out sorely.

    Nice job!


    Woot! You went with the copper!!! Love it~


    The copper was definately the best choice. In person it’s so stunning…but these photos…oh geeze they ake my paint job work look so darn flat and lifeless! I just almost can’t handle it.


      This may be your best one.


        I like the black front paws; it looks like he’s wearing gloves!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        He’s beautiful, Water – I agree with Ski; he’s one of your best. I love the blending on the scales behind his jowl.


        That part was a pain in the butt, but I do want to do that again because it enhances the look. I was using the tiniest brush I have meant for painting Warhammer miniatures, and the paint dries faster than I could blend so it took a lot of time but next time I think I will add a little more water to the brush.


        It looks great. I don’t remember seeing that on any other dragons.

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