lioness trying to eat baby at zoo…

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      lion trying to eat baby at a zoo

      really funny video and scary at the same time


      O.o I didn’t know whether to laugh or not… I still don’t. Where she’s opening her mouth to try and put it around the baby’s head is kinda freaky.


        O.o I didn’t know whether to laugh or not… I still don’t. Where she’s opening her mouth to try and put it around the baby’s head is kinda freaky.

        i knoow! the zoo later made a statement saying “oh she was only playing with the baby.” whereas a pair of photographers who work for nat geo documenting wild lions in Africa said ” that lion was putting her mouth where the baby’s head was you don’t see that in play or handling of cubs. if the glass had not been there that would be a dead baby.”


          It sort of disturbs me that some people are flipping out about this! What on earth do they expect from large, predatory animals? Good heavens.

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            It sort of disturbs me that some people are flipping out about this! What on earth do they expect from large, predatory animals? Good heavens.

            I totally agree. I admit, I found it a bit funny. That being said, that’s why the glass is there. It was a lion acting like a lion. As for what the Nat. Geo. people say…maybe they’re right, but then maybe the lion, having never been a wild lion, behaves differently from a wild lion, and just maybe it really doesn’t matter.


              It sort of disturbs me that some people are flipping out about this! What on earth do they expect from large, predatory animals? Good heavens.

              This…..a lion is a large predatory animal… will see smaller animals as meat. Gotta admit…the baby would make easy prey. Humans seem to have a very difficult time with the concept that we can be seen as prey.


              I think I was more freaked out that the parents were encouraging the kid to stand so close – glass or not, it’s usually a good thing to instill at least a healthy respect for things that might find you tasty at a young age.

              I do agree that a baby would be tasty easy prey for a lion. And that the lion would naturally go for the baby over say, their parents. Though, without weapons, we’re all tasty easy prey…..

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