Linited edition pieces

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    Fritochick (Mary)

      Fritochick (Mary)

        I was wondering how a person finds out when the limited artist editions are coming out and HOW many of each there are going to be. I have seen a lot on windstones e-bay site, but how do you know how many will be made of a certain color or design. And if you miss one do you have a chance later on with another auction?


          LOL, if we knew that, we’d all be happy campers!
          Windstone puts the LP stuff in the store. Sometimes we get hints new stuff is coming out, but it’s first come first serve. No pushing though 😆


            and if they are Limited Edition (LE) pieces, those only appear on ebay and will state in the auction, usually if they are OAE (Open Artist Edition) meaning the artist who paints them (not Melody-usually Jennifer/Nam or Olympia) decides how many to make based on demand and the price they fetch,
            OR if the piece in the auction is a LE, it will usually say “This dragon is #1 of 15 we plan to make in this color” or something like that. It seems things that come in numbered batches come in either 15 or 24.

            Of course, if you miss all the critters of a particular batch, there’s always the chance that someone who bought one will need money later and decide to sell their piece. I got one of the Flame Limited Edition OW’s, and I’m his third mommy! There have been some really amazing pieces for re-sale on the forum before

            Fritochick (Mary)

              Thanks for the help–so just keep the eyes and ears open. OK. What is that e-bay list about in the forum?


                Fritochick wrote:

                Thanks for the help–so just keep the eyes and ears open. OK. What is that e-bay list about in the forum?

                BDW just puts up the current auctions (with linked pics) from Windstone and we talk about them. =) And then cheer when a forum member wins. XD


                  Yep! It’s lots of fun and we get to drool over the pix and egg on anyone who’s bidding and cheer for the winner! Lots of good natured ribbing goes on too 😀 Sometimes we all turn green with envy over someone elses’ good luck… 😆

                  twindragonsmum 😆


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