Limited editions

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  • #583915

    wonderfulmagorical idea!


    Brilliant! And think of the fun you could have with it . . . . 🙂


    Oh yay i like this Idea 😀 Glad i could help.


      Ohh, that sounds great!

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!




        Umm Melody you do realize you just signed yourself up to make some new “Sculpts” right”? 😀
        Even if they are mostly the same as their predeccesors!! Still cool!!


        I’m all in favor of the idea too. Way to go, Griffiness. 😀


          you can bring out a few similar to the old retired Emperors also


          That woud be fab! 😀 Any of it would be fab 8)


          Sounds like a great idea. I really like having my production OW next to his prototype brother. It really makes the changes stnad out.

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