Limited Edition

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    So are there plans in the works for what the next limited edition piece might be?

    and are there griffin chicks in different colors in the near future?



      TrottierJS wrote:

      So are there plans in the works for what the next limited edition piece might be?

      and are there griffin chicks in different colors in the near future?
      Jennifer has painted a female griffin that is a mate of the male Labrodorite one, that will be next.
      We soon will have have the Black Violet Peacock proto. old warriors, and lets see… the dark calico flapcats, when the lighter ones are all done… I’ve
      got some prototype baby Kirins I found that I am painting special… and we have two old test paints of the Gothic unicorn that surfaced.
      I am planning to do the whole family of Black Sunset griffins, the female / chicks in old tan, and the old black. When I get home, I’ve gotta figure out which ones to do…Probably the old tan and the new black ones.


      Yippy!!! Will some of those be available through the web-site or are all of those being sold on e-bay?


      Oh yes, please offer them through the store- I’d HATE to have to deal with Ebay to get mates and babies for my boys!


        How will the Black Sunset griffins be sold? as Limited Edition, Ltd. Production or…production? 😀


          TrottierJS wrote:

          Yippy!!! Will some of those be available through the web-site or are all of those being sold on e-bay?

          Everything will be in our store, if it isn’t limited edition.
          The Black Sunset griffins are production.The others are limited production.
          We will auction the first ten of new colors on ebay. Those may be slightly different from production ones somehow, but very similar items will be easily get-able .


          Yay, the BVPs are coming soon! And I wonder how the prototype baby kirins look…


            SQUEE!!!! Cutie baby chickies!!!

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I want a ki rin or a goat!! I wanna seeeee!!!


              I’m really looking forward to all of the griffins, but especially the old tan! It’s wonderful that there’ll be another production griffin family color (gee, I held out for a whole day after they hit the market before caving and ordering a Wolf mother and chicks). And now I can be curious about the prototype baby ki-rin, too! 🙂


                Oooooh…any chance of the adult kirins coming out in special colors??? I LOVE the kirins, but the baby just isn’t my favorite…And JEEZ I had no idea how microscopic the baby was until I finally bought one! He’s TINY!!!

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                  TrottierJS wrote:

                  Yippy!!! Will some of those be available through the web-site or are all of those being sold on e-bay?

                  These limited production ones will be available on the website: the old tan, and the original black (with peacock wings) griffin hen and chicks.
                  The Black sunset griffins will be regular production (the whole family).

                  The Jennifer ones, the proto. baby kirins and the Ivory Gothic Unis. will be Ebay’d.


                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    Yay, the BVPs are coming soon! And I wonder how the prototype baby kirins look…

                    The prototypes are almost identical to the regular kirin baby, ‘cept they have a jewel in their forehead. These will be painted differently than the production ones, too.


                    Oh man, I can’t, but can wait. I want the black griffin mom and chicks and the BVP OW. The gothic unicorns would be cool as well. 😀

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