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    Why do you like lightning so much? 🙂


      Prolly cause it’s the only thing that’s exciting.. and pretty.. around here.. LOL


        Its beautiful and awe inspiring… it can light up the sky in such wonderful colors… and it is followed up by my other favorite… thunder! I think it is a challenge to capture lightning in photos. And I like a challenge!


          frozendragon wrote:

          Prolly cause it’s the only thing that’s exciting.. and pretty.. around here.. LOL

          XD ROTFLMAO!

          Yes! That too! 😉


            In ’96, some friends and I went to Albuquerque, New Mexico. I forgot the place where we stayed but it was close to the Interstate. Well our room had the best view–in the morning the sky would be filled with colorful hot air balloons and the evening before we left, we were treated to a lightning storm. We all just sat in the bed, drank wine coolers and watched the show. It was beautiful! Of course it was far from us as well–probably wouldn’t like it was much if it was right on top of us!

            Any other beautiful sights in your area besides lightning? Are your barbeques and chili as good as claimed to be?


              LadyFirebird wrote:

              In ’96, some friends and I went to Albuquerque, New Mexico. I forgot the place where we stayed but it was close to the Interstate. Well our room had the best view–in the morning the sky would be filled with colorful hot air balloons and the evening before we left, we were treated to a lightning storm. We all just sat in the bed, drank wine coolers and watched the show. It was beautiful! Of course it was far from us as well–probably wouldn’t like it was much if it was right on top of us!

              Any other beautiful sights in your area besides lightning? Palo Duro Canyon… the sunsets…. Are your barbeques and chili as good as claimed to be?Yep and Yep!


              The SunSets…

              Capital peak in Palo Duro Canyon….

              2007 when we got A LOT OF RAIN! Palo Duro Canyon usually isn’t that green…


                LadyFirebird wrote:

                Are your barbeques and chili as good as claimed to be?

                only if you cook it yourself..

                there are plenty of restaurants (more than we need) and none of em are that great


                  frozendragon wrote:

                  LadyFirebird wrote:

                  Are your barbeques and chili as good as claimed to be?

                  only if you cook it yourself..

                  there are plenty of restaurants (more than we need) and none of em are that great

                  Yep and Yep… lol


                    Beautiful pix! 8)


                      frozendragon wrote:

                      LadyFirebird wrote:

                      Are your barbeques and chili as good as claimed to be?

                      only if you cook it yourself..

                      there are plenty of restaurants (more than we need) and none of em are that great

                      Name the things Amarillo has TOO MUCH OF!

                      Toot N Totums (Convenet stores)


                        lamortefille wrote:

                        Beautiful pix! 8)

                        Tttthanks! :hi:

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