Life SUCKS some times

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        Well like a number of people here, by the looks of it, I have not bneen around much lately either. I had to come to a VERY difficult decision yesterday. With money being so tight I have had to decide to let my car go. I’m paying $320 in car payments, $262 a month in insurance and the gas difference between the car and bike will be very large. It will save me about $600 – $700 a month. I just hope it’s not too late to save the rest of the bills from heading to collections.
        Pam this will also help me get the item we have been talking about from you so that will be a done deal too very soon I hope


          Oh, that royally stinks.

          Would you be inclined, (or in a position to) set aside a good portion of the car payment funds each month? By the years end, it’d be enough to buy an older car outright, and offer a years reprieve from gas and insurance bills.

          On the bright side, biking’s eco-friendly, and some people line up at gyms for that kind of work out. But it still has to suck to have to make that kind of decision though.


            Sorry you have to let the car go DM. 🙁


              Sorry for the confusion.
              Bike as in Motorcycle. I live 70 miles away from work I could NEVER bike 140 miles a day on a bicycle. Plus it would take WAY too long and it’s moslty freeway. I still have way too many bills to be able to save . I figured out a way to get some money the end of April but I’m not sure if it will be enough especially since our contractr expires April 1 and they are talking about a long strike which would mean NO money cominng in during the strike time


              No wonder gas is killing you! 🙁 That’s a huge commute.

              I hope things get better for you!


                Ah, I get it now. That is a huge commute! Seems you’re making a very good move, but what a gnarly situation to be in! Here’s hoping things get better.


                  well I just found out that if I return the car they will auction it off and I will still be responsible for the balance so that does not really help that much.


                    Oh no! I’m sorry to hear about that DM. Good luck getting things straightened out. Makes me very grateful for the fact that hubby and I both own our cars so we don’t have to worry about car payments right now.


                    I’m sorry to hear that – hopefully something will work out for you. Good luck.


                      LITTLE UPDATE
                      I’m working with my mortgage company to try and get a modification and one of the guys at my part time job transfered stores so I might be able to get some of his hours but the pay is very low compared to my full time pay

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