Life just got worse!!! **NEW** Update page 3

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      I could not decide if I should come here and talk about it or not BUT I did at one time consider you all to be family but I have been accused of the “poor me” syndrome a few times when I have been chatting about things
      On Monday morning I was riding my motorcycle to work. It’s about a 70 mile ride each way. I was almost half way there and about to merge from 1 freeway to another when I saw brake lights in front of me as the cars where slowing down at the freeways intersection. I statred to slow down and I’m not exactly sure what happened maybe I broke to fast on the front brake or maybe the front tire was more blad then I though it was but the front wheel started shaking uncontrolably and the next thing I knew I was on the ground on my left side seeing nothing but sparks as my motorcycle was continuing down the freeway at about 65 MPH on it’s left side. I had some ask me if I was OK which I flet like I was. I got to my feet and walked over the the bike lifted it up but was not able to check the bike or myself to see how bad the damages where since is was 5:15 AM and pitch black. The bike started and I started on my ride again figuring I would check things out when I got to work. I was in a bit of pain but nothing too bad of life threatning. I got about 11 mile miles and stated to climb the Altamount Pass that goes thru the mountains from the Valley where I live to the far east Bay where I work. I could not get the bike to move forward anymore. It was like the bike was stuck in Neutral, it would rev but not go anywhere. I pulled off the Freeway, reached in my pocket to call one of my bosses to tell them I was going to be late due to the issues and discovered I had no bottom to my pocket, it had ripped out during the initial fall and scrap. I had my blue tooth scrapped up but it was there, but no cell phone at all. I had insurance on the cell phone and got a replacment phone today that I need to get programmed to work. I was stuck on the side of the freeway for about 1 1/2 hours trying to flag down someone that could call for help. FINALLY I got a CHP (California Highway Patrolman) to stop. No one had thought to call them, he was just passing by and saw a dark figure in the dark. I was wearing all black at the time. He called a towtruck to get the bike. I’m being charged $350 for 2 hours worth of towing to get my bike to his shop and then he was going to drop it off af the bike shop today. I have to call them later today to make sure everything has been done according to the plan. I called them Tuesday morning and told them it was coming in but never got a call back from them that they got it. I have a bruise on my left forearm about 1″ by 2″ and the BIG one about 4″ by 6″ on my right leg and have no idea how that one happened since I fell on my left side. I have no idea how I’m going to pay for all this but I will find a way. The tow bill alone was $350 for a 2 hour CHP dispatch.
      I’m VERY sore and took 3 days paid time off from my full time job and 1 night off from my part time job to try and get some things figured out .
      I’m not posting this as a sob story, but just letting you know what has happened. I’m trying NOT to sell thing to make ends meet but I may have to soon. I have been told by many I’m VERY lucky to be alive. My pants I was wearing have SEVERAL hole/rips in them. I’m just thankful I did not get dragged with the bike because if that had happened I most likely would not be here right now.



          😮 OMG, DM, I’m glad you’re ok! I would go see a doctor, though. The bruise on your other side may be due to the motorcycle landing on you or something and you may have torn muscles.

          Take care, ok?

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            Thanks I can’t afford to go to the doctor’s right now especially since I have to pay for the towing and will now have bike repair bills. I may have ot hit the Flea market soon. If that happens the Franklin Mint Dragons will be sold before the Windstones though


            I am so glad you are OK. It could have been way worse. Better to have to part with a few figurines than your body parts, or worse yet your life. We’ve had both happen in our family. You can possibly replace things some day but you cannot be replaced.


            😮 I’m glad you’re still kicking around!

            Better your motorcycle then you, that’s for sure. **(gentle) hugs**


            That takes the cake for an awful morning, and I’m really REALLY glad you weren’t injured worse, because that could have easily happened. 😮

            Hope you heal up quick and life gets better for you soon!


              Oh DM I’m so sorry to hear about this and relieved to hear you are relatively okay. Does your bike have any cubbies that you could put your phone, wallet (lucky you didn’t lose that too!) et cetera in? If so I would use that rather than your pocket so (God forbid) if this happened again you wouldn’t lose them.

              I only ask about that because built into the windshield/fairing on my dad’s motorcycle he has several cubbies that have covers that snap securely over them. If I remember right one of the cubbies is even large enough that he is able to store a full set of rain gear in it. I’m not sure if it was a custom thing or not because I believe he added the windshield/fairing to his bike after he bought it (nearly 30 years ago).

              ETA: Thanks for telling me what it was called lamortefille!


                peg, the thingy is called a fairing.

                DM, I’ve PMed you.


                  I’m so glad to hear you’re ok. you had someone watching over you that’s for sure. hugs


                    DM, I’m just really, really glad you are OK. I’m sure you know how easy it is for motorcycle riders to get seriously hurt, even from accidents at slow speeds. It sounds like you were really lucky, and I’m thankful it’s just some bruises and a busted bike, although I understand your fretting over the bills of this accident; not something you needed right now.


                      Thanks everyone
                      We NEVER need this sort of thing. I’m VERY sore and stiff in the morning but after a couple hours of moving the leg gets better at least so far. I took 3 days off to rest but have teo return to work tomorrow. I’m in one piece with all my parts so as has been said it could have been MUCH worse.
                      I need to call the tow shop and bike shop to make sure everything there worked as it wsa supposed to
                      The tow guy had his son drive me home Monday and was going to drop the bike off yesterday since the shop was not open on Monday. I have to call them both now


                      I’m so glad you are doing ok – it sounds like you could have been seriously injured. I’m sorry about your bike and hope you get good news about it.


                        I’m glad you’re okay DM. Sorry about your accident but at least you are okay and intact. Things will work themslves out. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. 🙂

                        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                        Sun Dragon Koi #3


                          Oh Hun. I’m so sorry. I’m sooooo glad you’re okay though!!

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