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    If he just doesn’t like stairs, why not just say, “I don’t really like stairs, so I go to the gym to get my exercise”? It makes him sound self-righteous, the way he said it.

    I do what Lokie does: take stairs everywhere. I don’t care how many flights it is, I’ll take them. I don’t go to the gym, but I wouldn’t hold it against anyone who does by seeing them work out at 24-hour Fitness and saying, “I take the stairs, so I don’t need to go to the gym.” 🙄


    The Castle [Dave wrote:


    dragonmedley wrote:

    He looked at me going and said: “I go to the gym, so I don’t need to take the stairs.”

    Firstly, that’s a non-sequitur. He takes the elevator so he doesn’t need to take the stairs; if the elevator was not working, he could go to the gym 5 times a day and it wouldn’t help him any.

    But to the point, my answer, if not yours, would have been: “I take the stairs so I don’t have to go to the gym. I hate going to the gym. You pay all that money to be allowed to exercise in public without the normal embarrassment of being seen doing your exercises in public. Sheesh!”

    My retort would have been simply, ‘stairs are free.’ I’m so frugal minded. 🙂

    Dragonmedley, he was probably trying to justify why his lazy arse wasn’t taking the stairs. 😉

    I used to get the, “Do you go to a gym?” question often when I was an active member of Cubical World. “Nawp, I have horses, that’s all the gym I need”, was my typical response.

    ~Hoofer, “Milk? Blech! Got Horses?”


    I’ve never met a gym I liked. I feel incredibly awkward and self-conscious. I’m… not *quite* obese, but I left twig behind some time ago.

    There’s also the fact that gym users aren’t necessary fit. Used to swim with a guy who was really ripped, and actually rather attractive. Guy had no stamina – he’d built up the muscles with weights, not hard work. Couldn’t even swim the length of a 50m pool. Me, the overweight girl with the wobbly thighs/arms/belly, I could swim circles around him. And did.

    I take the stairs at work unless I’m hauling computers, I usually go wandering on my lunchbreaks – a little high-speed windowshopping, it’s probably 2 miles I walk. I do ‘real’ exercise walking and running, I eat (mostly) sensibly, and I’ve dropped a full clothes size so far this year, and apparently I’m still going, as my pants keep falling down (not off, just shuffling down my hips a couple inches) – my goal is still 20 pounds away, soit’s gonna take me awhile yet! (Hooray, run-on sentence.)


      …I’ve “worked” (under the table) at a gym for the past 4 years. I have 13 hours a week to work out if I want 😛 But I’m underweight as is. I use to work out twice a week until everything with my mom started happening. My whole house has been off track since just to strengthen my body, not to lose any weight (I’d be a walking skeleton if I lost any more weight!).
      But I do like walking too. Just… walking. Around town or around the park. Gives me something to do.


      Kujacker wrote:

      …I’ve “worked” (under the table) at a gym for the past 4 years. I have 13 hours a week to work out if I want 😛 But I’m underweight as is. I use to work out twice a week until everything with my mom started happening. My whole house has been off track since just to strengthen my body, not to lose any weight (I’d be a walking skeleton if I lost any more weight!).


      You’re one of those, huh?

      I don’t know if you posted it somewhere else and I missed it, but what happened to your mom?

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        I like Curves, but it’s only for women. That can be a plus and a minus. My hubby can’t work out with me, but I’m spared being examined by other men.

        It’s circuit training, cardio and weight training both. You go in a circle and there are stations. Every other station is a jogging platform, every other station is a weight machine that works on hydraulics. The machines vary so one time you’ll work on your abs, the next one is for arms, then legs, etc. I go around the circuit twice, and I do it every weekday unless I’m out of town.

        I’ve lost 6-7 inches and the same number of pounds since January. And I’m not really dieting. The best part of it though is that I don’t need to go to a chiropractor anymore, and I don’t need my asthma rescue inhaler anymore. My hip only hurts once in a while instead of all the time. I feel better about myself, and I’m happier (love those endorphins).

        I also quit drinking Diet Pepsi in January. I used to drink one or two cans/bottles a day for the last 20 years. I quit. Since then, I’m less hungry for snacks. I’ve heard that diet pop will make you want to snack more, but I never believed it. It’s TRUE!


        emerald212 wrote:

        I also quit drinking Diet Pepsi in January. I used to drink one or two cans/bottles a day for the last 20 years. I quit. Since then, I’m less hungry for snacks. I’ve heard that diet pop will make you want to snack more, but I never believed it. It’s TRUE!

        Soft drinks are the worst thing ever, whether they’re diet or regular. You can’t go wrong with water!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        I generally don’t drink pop… I likes my juice, and if I could get a filter, I would drink more water, but Edmonton water… yuck.

        I still need to get out and exercise more. 😕 I liked swimming, but there isn’t a decent lane swim pool in my area. I have to go all the way to the Uni to swim and that’s probably a 45 min bus trip. Just to swim for an hour. Yeuck.


          emerald212 wrote:

          I also quit drinking Diet Pepsi in January. I used to drink one or two cans/bottles a day for the last 20 years.

          Hey, that was my New Year’s resolution! However, I used to drink almost two litters a day. It was also my only source of caffeine. I sure do miss the caffeine 😥 But now I drink 2 litters of water each day (sometimes 3).


          Green tea has caffeine for an alternative. I make my green tea strong enough to put hair on your chest! 😆 It’s how I get my caffeine!


            dragonmedley wrote:

            I thought it was funny in a weird way.

            You’re right, Lokie, I think he was trying to justify himself. Not that it’s really any of my business whether or not he takes the stairs!

            Darjeb, if you’re going to get fitness, you will gain muscle weight. Don’t weigh yourself; instead, use a skirt or a pair of pants to measure how you’re doing. You want to lose inches, so that’s what you measure! Plus it feels so great to finally fit into something you couldn’t…

            I usually wear a size 8 jeans and guess what I went shopping today and was able to buy a six 6


            darjeb wrote:

            dragonmedley wrote:

            I thought it was funny in a weird way.

            You’re right, Lokie, I think he was trying to justify himself. Not that it’s really any of my business whether or not he takes the stairs!

            Darjeb, if you’re going to get fitness, you will gain muscle weight. Don’t weigh yourself; instead, use a skirt or a pair of pants to measure how you’re doing. You want to lose inches, so that’s what you measure! Plus it feels so great to finally fit into something you couldn’t…

            I usually wear a size 8 jeans and guess what I went shopping today and was able to buy a six 6

            Woohoo! Congrats!

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              Yay! Way to go, darjeb 😀



                Hoofer wrote:

                The Castle [Dave wrote:


                dragonmedley wrote:

                He looked at me going and said: “I go to the gym, so I don’t need to take the stairs.”

                Firstly, that’s a non-sequitur. He takes the elevator so he doesn’t need to take the stairs; if the elevator was not working, he could go to the gym 5 times a day and it wouldn’t help him any.

                But to the point, my answer, if not yours, would have been: “I take the stairs so I don’t have to go to the gym. I hate going to the gym. You pay all that money to be allowed to exercise in public without the normal embarrassment of being seen doing your exercises in public. Sheesh!”

                My retort would have been simply, ‘stairs are free.’ I’m so frugal minded. 🙂

                Dragonmedley, he was probably trying to justify why his lazy arse wasn’t taking the stairs. 😉

                I used to get the, “Do you go to a gym?” question often when I was an active member of Cubical World. “Nawp, I have horses, that’s all the gym I need”, was my typical response.

                ~Hoofer, “Milk? Blech! Got Horses?”

                Yeah…I feel the same, I believe it was extremely rude of him to say anything really….I mean geez…if you want to live a marginally more active lifestyle by opting to use your own feet to get you where you’re going, rather than stand squished in a sardine can with 20 other people…then great. I like to rollerblade with my son and walk the dog for exercise…I seem to need dual purpose excersise…with dog walking and rollerblading I’m also having quality time with my family. I’m a firm believer of multitasking! 😆

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