
Let's talk fitness

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    Yesterday at work, I came in at the same time as this guy. I work on the 5th floor, and every morning, I take the stairs up. It wakes me up a bit, warms me up in the winter, etc. He looked at me going and said: “I go to the gym, so I don’t need to take the stairs.”

    I do go to the gym, plus I try to workout at home, but still, I thought the comment was interesting.

    What do you all think? Does that reasoning seem odd to you?

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      I don’t want to talk fitness!! I need to lose 10-15 pounds but no longer have the Gym time. I’m walking the entire shift at Long’s except for my breaks but still not losing
      Everyones metabilism is different so maybe he does not need to do stairs. Everyone is different


        well I’m afraid of heights… so more than a normal flight of stairs… say like in a house… kind of freaks me out…

        but if I worked or whatever on the second floor I’d take that over the elevator.. but that’s more about my personal space than anything else…

        I hate how no a days everyone seems to have to stand on top of everyone else… assaulting them with their nasty Wal-Mart perfume.. or the sloppy squishy wet noises of them chewing and popping gum…

        so yeah… anyway.. I don’t think that statement makes any sense about not needing to take stairs because he goes to the gym… if you’re sitting at work and not doing much else… taking the stairs keeps you going… even if you go to the gym after work or before… you still need some kind of physical movement during the day..

        and walking usually doesn’t cut it at work… how many times can you walk around the office before someone gets annoyed.. 😯


          I go to the gym every weekday, but I still do lots of stuff at home (gardening, scraping paint, playing badminton, etc). I also have a treadmill and weights for those days I can’t get to the gym (Curves, actually). If he wanted to, he could take the stairs. He’s just not that dedicated to fitness, and his going to the gym is his excuse.


          I don’t see that taking the stairs makes that much of a difference either way. I usually take the elevator when I’m at the office because it’s a nuiscance to walk stairs in motorcycle gear. I get my exercise thanks to Retta.


          dragonmedley wrote:

          He looked at me going and said: “I go to the gym, so I don’t need to take the stairs.”

          Firstly, that’s a non-sequitur. He takes the elevator so he doesn’t need to take the stairs; if the elevator was not working, he could go to the gym 5 times a day and it wouldn’t help him any.

          But to the point, my answer, if not yours, would have been: “I take the stairs so I don’t have to go to the gym. I hate going to the gym. You pay all that money to be allowed to exercise in public without the normal embarrassment of being seen doing your exercises in public. Sheesh!”


            I actually got a GREAT deal at 24hr fitness about 4-5 years ago. I forget what I had to pay I think it was $700 (I had jsut gotten my taxes back) BUT that was for 3 years and had 6 or 8 trainer session and I’m now set for life at $49 a year


              He works out so he doesn’t have to choose healthier options in day-to-day life? Hmm…interesting.

              I take the stairs all the time at university, despite the fact that there are elevators everywhere. Kids cram into them to go up two or three floors…I take the stairs because I actually get there faster than they do, with a lot less shoving involved. I also like to take walks in the forested area behind campus. Someone asked me why, and I said for the fresh air and exercise. Their response “you’re supposed to go to the gym for that”. Apparently exercise doesn’t exist outside of a gym setting 😕


                Maybe the act of you using the stairs and him the elevator makes him feel lazy or less fit (or worries that’s what others will think). And to counter those thoughts, he felt compelled to verbalize an excuse to justify why he uses the elevator instead of the stairs. Wouldn’t want anyone thinking him a sloth 🙄

                I know when I jog up the millions of stairs from the subway, I get a lot of looks from the people using the series of escalators right next to me. And when I’m with certain friends, when they get on the escalators, and see me heading up the stairs, they get embarressed and join me as if they need to do it as well.


                I usually try to take the stairs, but I don’t exercise much. I really need to change that. 😳 But gyms here are expensive, walking around gets boring if you’re doing it by yourself (and the fiancee usually doesn’t want to join me), and I have bad knees so jogging is painful.

                I’m thinking of maybe joining a dance class or something. Something I can get into. 😀 I just gotta justify the $110 for however many weeks. 🙄


                  Before I retired I used to use the Company fitness center 4 or 5 days a week for one hour. After I retired and moved to FL I found a senior roller skating group at the local skating rink. We skate for 2 hours on Mon and Wed but in the summer we get kicked out when the kids are out of school and also holidays. So for the last couple of months I have been walking around the community where I live and that is about 2 miles each time. I am trying to lose 10 lbs before my 50th class reunion in Sept. I haven’t lost much weight but sure have firmed up the butt and several people have mentioned that I look like I lost a lot of weight.


                  darjeb wrote:

                  Before I retired I used to use the Company fitness center 4 or 5 days a week for one hour. After I retired and moved to FL I found a senior roller skating group at the local skating rink. We skeate for 2 hours on Mon and Wed but in the summer we get kicked out when the kids are out of school and also holidays. So for the last couple of months I have been walking around the community where I live and that is about 2 miles each time. I am trying to lose 10 lbs before my 50th class reunion in Sept. I haven’t lost much weight but sure have firmed up the butt and several people have mentioned that I look like I lost a lot of weight.

                  Sometimes losing inches doesn’t equal losing weight. Unless you starve yourself… but that’s generally not good for you. Muscle weighs more then fat.


                    Doesnt seem odd to me. He probably just doesnt like stairs. 😆 I go to the gym all the time, but still take the stairs, too. He probably just figures he does enough at the gym so he can take it easier throughout the day.


                    I thought it was funny in a weird way.

                    You’re right, Lokie, I think he was trying to justify himself. Not that it’s really any of my business whether or not he takes the stairs!

                    Darjeb, if you’re going to get fitness, you will gain muscle weight. Don’t weigh yourself; instead, use a skirt or a pair of pants to measure how you’re doing. You want to lose inches, so that’s what you measure! Plus it feels so great to finally fit into something you couldn’t…

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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