Let's see, what do I want? Coiled Emerald Mother

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  • #515941

    They aren’t open yet but I will call them.


    I hope they still have one for you!


    So do I 🙂


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      I’d think that things would still be available until you actually get charged for them. And you haven’t been charged for it, have you?

      Nope. I didnt want to buy it. I just wanted to see what shipping was like (someone mentioned it was expensive) and to see if they would ship to me. (lots of websites dont have APO as a shipping option) I just didnt empty the cart when I left. 😳


      In that case they still should have one on hand. Unless bad luck wanted that somebody else just happened across the site recently and actually bought the thing. If Cheryl’s lucky it’s just a website problem.


        CherylKaufman wrote:

        I was the one wanting it.

        Sorry. I meant Cheryl.

        I hope it comes back for you. I searched Ebay yesterday with every keyword I could think of, but didn’t find anything.


        That was kind of you to look on my behalf 🙂 I appreciate it!


        Called the store and it JUST sold in the past two days…whoever did this- if they were on this board, best not fess up because I already have too many grudges to hold and that was just downright LOW.

        And that is my tongue lashing for the ethics we should probably extend to one another if indeed anyone on this board is the culprit.


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          Called the store and it JUST sold in the past two days…whoever did this- if they were on this board, best not fess up because I already have too many grudges to hold and that was just downright LOW.

          And that is my tongue lashing for the ethics we should probably extend to one another if indeed anyone on this board is the culprit.

          I hope I’m not one of those grudges? 🙁


            It wasn’t me btw…


            No no no, I don’t begrudge you, ski, or anyone else on this board at this time (so long as no one fesses up to it I have no one to despise :D)


            Poor Cheryl. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for another one for you. If it makes you feel any better, your chocolate is going into the mail tomorrow morning on my way to school. A box of special Christmas chocolate-wrapped almonds, macadamias and hazelnuts – maybe your boy will eat those for you – and five bars of Lindt. Sound good?


              I wouldn’t be suprised if it was one of the “silent types” here. Not cool. 👿


              Now that’s an idea. And that wasn’t nice at all.


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              Poor Cheryl. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for another one for you. If it makes you feel any better, your chocolate is going into the mail tomorrow morning on my way to school. A box of special Christmas chocolate-wrapped almonds, macadamias and hazelnuts – maybe your boy will eat those for you – and five bars of Lindt. Sound good?

              Oh dear God I love you!!!! That sounds AWESOME!!! I love chocolate covered nuts!

            Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 75 total)
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