Lefty or Righty

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      I’m right handed as are 2 of my siblings, David and Sarah. 2 other sibs, Alice and James, are southpaws *left handed* and the last of us, Edward, is ambidexterous. My folks are right handed but my grandparents are all left handed…

      twindragonsmum 🙂



        I do some things such as write with my right hand but others I do with my left


        Mostly right, but can do a few things with my left. I cannot turn the old TV’s with knobs down with my right hand for some reason…I always turn it up. 😛 I can write semi-legibly with my left, but have never broken anything requiring me to get better at it.lol


          I can use either hand although my writing is better w/ my right. But if I practice my left handed writing gets pretty good after a bit, so I think it’s a use thing. I have never found anything I couldn’t do with my left hand that I could do w/ my right. This is an interesting topic though.

          My aunt is left handed and she writes pretty well despite having to learn w/ her right hand, but she says she absolutely cannot write on a chalk board w/ her left hand. It has to be her right, because that’s how she learned to write on a chalk board in school. :scratch:

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