Leaf Cat Sconce

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      Hi Melody,

      Do you have any idea if you will be making the Leaf Cat Sconce again once things are up and running?



          oooh…..I have one of those…it’s definately a piece worth getting! It’s one of my favorites of Melody’s works. 🙂


          Cat leaf scone? Yes I want one (when I have a wall I’m allowed to hang stuff on). I love the one at West ed that the dealer has there *drooooooool* I love kitties 🙂


            copper83 wrote:

            Hi Melody,

            Do you have any idea if you will be making the Leaf Cat Sconce again once things are up and running?I don’t know… we are going to concentrate on the more in-demand pieces first. It is possible we will retire it. We still have a few, but we are out of the pads for the backs, so we haven’t been selling them.


            Melody wrote:

            copper83 wrote:

            Hi Melody,

            Do you have any idea if you will be making the Leaf Cat Sconce again once things are up and running?I don’t know… we are going to concentrate on the more in-demand pieces first. It is possible we will retire it. We still have a few, but we are out of the pads for the backs, so we haven’t been selling them.

            😯 NOOOOOOOOOOO! *cries* I wanted to wait to get one (well there is still that one at West Ed)


            Hide one of those would ya, Melody! I’ll come pick it up in person next Aug. I want one of those and have for awhile.



              hrrrm…sigh…I was always kinda hopin the Cat leaf Sconce would come out in another color someday….I’d just about die if it came out in a fall color, like red fire or autumn leaf. Too bad it’s not quite as popular a piece as some of the others.


                I love my Leaf Cat sconce!! With all the cat lovers, I’m surprised it wasn’t a big seller.


                  I’ve wanted one for awhile now too… but no one ever has them in stock 🙁


                    I’m really glad I got one when I did, considering Melody may retire them. I love mine 🙂 . An autumn leaf or spring green version would look neat to.


                      purplecat wrote:

                      hrrrm…sigh…I was always kinda hopin the Cat leaf Sconce would come out in another color someday….I’d just about die if it came out in a fall color, like red fire or autumn leaf. Too bad it’s not quite as popular a piece as some of the others.

                      I’ve done a few test paints like that…


                        Kyrin wrote:

                        Hide one of those would ya, Melody! I’ll come pick it up in person next Aug. I want one of those and have for awhile.

                        Kyrin I guess I better find them!


                          Melody wrote:

                          purplecat wrote:

                          hrrrm…sigh…I was always kinda hopin the Cat leaf Sconce would come out in another color someday….I’d just about die if it came out in a fall color, like red fire or autumn leaf. Too bad it’s not quite as popular a piece as some of the others.

                          I’ve done a few test paints like that…

                          O_O *HUGE POUTY EYES* for me….pleeeaase? pleeeeeaaaaase? *kitty purr meow beg*


                            Melody wrote:

                            purplecat wrote:

                            hrrrm…sigh…I was always kinda hopin the Cat leaf Sconce would come out in another color someday….I’d just about die if it came out in a fall color, like red fire or autumn leaf. Too bad it’s not quite as popular a piece as some of the others.

                            I’ve done a few test paints like that…

                            Autumn Leaf would be awesome!

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