lazy day

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        I’m sitting in the living room watching the world from my bay window. It is currently snowing sideways and is -12F *brrrrr* I’m eating maple nut icecream straight from the carton, still in my jammies and just being lazy… Anyone wanna come join me? I even have a fire going in the fireplace 😀

        twindragonsmum 😀


          Sorry that is to cold for me


          Snow and a fire going sounds lovely. The best days are those in which I never get out of my pajamas! 😆


            If I could go out in the cold right now I would. 🙂

            I’m having a lazy day too, but I have to go to the doctor’s office shortly. It’s back up into the 20s, but I need to bundle up so I can breathe.


            Until I get a job, pretty much every day is a lazy day for me! 😆 Since there’s no walking into a chemical plant in Edmonton without getting stopped at security. So it really doesn’t make sense to drop of a resume if the person getting it will never know I went through the effort. :shrug:

            Anyway… the fire sounds lovely though! I’ll bring over some chocolate and make some homemade hot chocolate too…. :yum:


              It’s my winter break right now and my job is not giving me very many hours, so I pretty much laze around all day on my computer curled in blankets.


                Ahhh that sounds nice and cozy! 😀

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