Latest and greatest fuzzy!

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    Ok THIS one must come from the arctic. Blue and silver eyes!
    He tagged along with a young oriental dragon….all the way from China….err…I think.


      LOVE that Fuzzy! πŸ˜€


      Cute! Now that you mention it, we haven’t seen many blue Fuzzies, have we?


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Cute! Now that you mention it, we haven’t seen many blue Fuzzies, have we?

      No I think they might be a new species…


        I have one that color as well only mine has one orange eye and one yellow eye! I always get the ones with mixed eyes 😈 πŸ˜† I notice that the recent fuzzies are long haired–like them–they can show expression. Fur down, content–fur standing straight up–afraid, startled–fur up and curled forward–mad! πŸ˜†


          LOL True! πŸ˜€


            Speaking of the latest and greatest, I am hoping we will see gigantic Fuzzies again soon…maybe for December/Christmas? πŸ˜€ *hint hint*

            Oooh, I got a fuzzy with mismatched eyes too! @ Lady Firebird. It was kinda a dark pink/purple color. I think it came with my cuttle Poad? Most of mine lately have been bengal fuzzies. c.c They are all staring at me right now…from the top of my monitor. e.e; Yeek~

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