
Last Two Custom Painted Unicorns DONE!

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    I kept checking my mail, wondering why I didn’t hear from the owners of these two, then saw DUH, I never posted the pix… 😳

    Anyway, here they are. Sorry about the delays. LMk thoughts. This is the last of the custom order ones, now I’m just waiting for shipping and that kinda thing yeah! (custom orders cause me stress haha)

    ddum- Clydesdale markings, blaze, 4 socks, purple and green jewls. Sorry she has no horn, my camera battery was dying, and I wanted to get a picture taken before it did dye, and I will retake it if you want to se the horn(it’ll be shipped unattached…)

    Julie-(sorry, can’t find the forum name) bay, socks, no jewls.



    I love the little green jewels on ddvm’s. They’re both lovely.


      What beauties!! I love the clydsdale (Esp the face) and the shading on mine is outstanding! Thank you!! πŸ˜€ I cant wait to get him!!!


      OMG! She is wonderful! She’s exactly what I had in mind! Really, really nice job. *wipes drool off monitor* Thanks, she’s beautiful! I love the green jewels, too.

      Ski’s is really nice, too. Very nice shading!


      Glad to hear everyone loves them, esp the new owners!!

      πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


      wow I think the clydsdale is my fav PYO uni I’ve seen yet!!!! very life-like!


      ryliecat wrote:

      wow I think the clydsdale is my fav PYO uni I’ve seen yet!!!! very life-like!

      Mine, all mine πŸ˜† *gloat* 😈 πŸ˜†

      I love Clydesdales – I watch the SuperBowl just for the new Budweiser Clydesdale commercial. I was seriously bummed this year when they didn’t have one. πŸ˜₯ So I really wanted an unicorn painted like one. I can’t believe what a great job bluepony78 did! *happy dance*


      ddvm wrote:

      ryliecat wrote:

      wow I think the clydsdale is my fav PYO uni I’ve seen yet!!!! very life-like!

      Mine, all mine πŸ˜† *gloat* 😈 πŸ˜†

      I love Clydesdales – I watch the SuperBowl just for the new Budweiser Clydesdale commercial. I was seriously bummed this year when they didn’t have one. πŸ˜₯ So I really wanted an unicorn painted like one. I can’t believe what a great job bluepony78 did! *happy dance*

      I LOVE those commericals! the one where the colts were tossing snowballs at the older horses, so the older horse banged his butt against the tree and got them covered with snow! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

      There was a website that had all of those, anyone know what it is?


        hmmmm….seems to me that was posted in a thread at one point. Looks like a job for Mimi!!! πŸ˜‰

        And I do love the Clydsdales. We live close to Busch Gardens and they always have at least 5-6 Clysdales stabled there, including a mare and foal. That’s my favorite part of the park. πŸ˜€


          bluepony78 wrote:

          I LOVE those commericals! the one where the colts were tossing snowballs at the older horses, so the older horse banged his butt against the tree and got them covered with snow! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

          There was a website that had all of those, anyone know what it is? There is actually a thread in community from a while back that has a whole bunch of peoples favorite superbowl commercials… and here it is! http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1512&highlight=super+bowl+commercial


          starbreeze wrote:

          hmmmm….seems to me that was posted in a thread at one point. Looks like a job for Mimi!!! πŸ˜‰

          And I do love the Clydsdales. We live close to Busch Gardens and they always have at least 5-6 Clysdales stabled there, including a mare and foal. That’s my favorite part of the park. πŸ˜€

          LUCKY DUCK! MAN! that would be so cool.

          I remember many many moons ago I was somewhere, and the Budwiser herd was there. BOY those boys travel in style. Golly. they had this slick trailer they lived in, and they were spotlessly groomed. They were just gorgious. My mom’s husband thoughts they’d be named after beer, like Coors, but that’s dumb. Who’d name thier maskots after competition! haha.


            Well, one of the Clysdales at Busch Gardens is named ‘Bud’. πŸ˜† The others all have different names. There are only a couple that seem to live there permanently, the others rotate in and out. The foals are really adorable!!! It’s such fun to see one frisking about the paddock. πŸ˜€


            starbreeze wrote:

            Well, one of the Clysdales at Busch Gardens is named ‘Bud’. πŸ˜† The others all have different names. There are only a couple that seem to live there permanently, the others rotate in and out. The foals are really adorable!!! It’s such fun to see one frisking about the paddock. πŸ˜€

            The one I remembered was named “Matt”. The ones who stay there are probably retired. Foals are always adorable πŸ˜€ I wanna come stay with you and go there sometime haha.


            I like the second one the best, but both of them are nice and I really like the green beads on the first one.

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