last track meet of the season

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        I know y’all must get pretty tired about hearing about me boyohs… but yesterday they had their last track meet of the season in Preston, Idaho which is about an hour from Soda depending on weather and livestock out on the road. 😆 I am a HUGE chicken when it comes to going places I’ve never been before and all by myself, but I managed to get there and saw the whole meet! *yay me* Ethan runs the 100 meter and he high jumps. He shaved 2 seconds from his meter run and increased his high jump height by 4 whole inches – from 4 foot 6 inches to 4 foot 10 inches. Sean runs mile (1600 meter) or 4 times around the track and he runs the 800 (1/2 mile). He placed first in both events in horribly nasty weather – you know, like when it snows sideways and the wind feels like it’s trying to eat you alive… On the mile his time was 5 minutes 40 seconds – shaved off 4 seconds of his best ever time and on the half mile his time was 2 minutes 30 seconds, cutting a whole 9 seconds off his best time. We had coaches there from various high schools and some colleges and it was a liitle disconcerting to over hear them talking about and comparing Sean to K.C. Meyers who was state champ from our little Soda Springs… Sean & Ethan will be freshmen in high school in fall and it really is weird over hearing some of the top coaches in the state talking about your kids 😮

        We also finished up the middle school productions of “High School Musical, Jr.) Sean had the role of Chad which required dancing as well as singing, Ethan ran sound and tech support and I costumed. When you stop and think that these 7th and 8th graders only had an hour of practice 4 days a week (’cause it was all done during school hours) they pulled off a miracle! The proceeds from the evening shows went to a family here in town whose Dad lost his job the day after he was diagnosed with cancer and they have no health insurance. Good little town to live in these last 4 years – I hate to go…

        twindragonsmum 🙂



          Brag all you want, your kids sound like really good ones. 😀 Congrats to both of them and to you too. :yes:


            Thankies, Jasmine! They are good kids if I do say so myself… I don’t think I had much to with their “goodness” or not – they just came that way 😀

            twindragonsmum 😀



            No, I don’t get sick of hearing about them! Congrats, they are two boys who make you proud!!


              That’s great tell them CONGRATULATIONS

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