*Today is the last day-I know it is unlikely that it will win, but please still vote-just in case! I really do appreciate the support here!*
*If I do win, I plan on donating the money to my local Animal Rescue League!*
I got an email from Parenting.com:
Thank you for entering the Cutest Daddy Photo Contest! Your photo is currently in the running to become this week’s winner. The photo with the most votes will take the honors and $250!
How exciting!! I was hoping I could get some votes here? I know it says my rank is #six hundred and something, but I am not sure if that is for the week, or for the whole thing? Anyway, can you vote for my picture? I am a little excited! 🙂
It says you can vote daily. Thank you so much! *hugs*
The rank has jumped to 16!! Woot! Keep it up!