LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

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    Kyrin wrote:

    Kujacker wrote:

    Hey Kyrin, did you get delivery confirmation? If you did… you could tell if they got it or not yet x:

    I sent mine today! The woman told me he should get there within 2-3 days! 😀

    No, I sent it Priority, and wasn’t expecting no response from the recipient, it should have been at her place the Saturday before this one.

    I am glad I insured it, cause it may be lost.


    Right on Ku! Cant wait to see what you came up with!

    Kyrin….I HOPE shes ok and just hasnt had time to come on and post 😯 😕 , THAT WOULD SUCK if it got lost 👿 !
    I ALWAYS get delivery conf. and insurance JUST to be on the safe side…especially when it comes to Ebay..They like to say they didnt get the item BUT, I have the proof it was delivered 😈 NANA! HEHE 😆


      Mine has been mailed and the receiver should get it in a few days! I am sorry… I didnt write down your name so I used your screen name and I spelled that wrong, im sure. 🙄 Sorry!!! I hope you like it, though!!


      A screen name that can be spelled wrong…
      Sheesh, I’m way to curious. 😆


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        A screen name that can be spelled wrong…
        Sheesh, I’m way to curious. 😆

        Well… I probably would spell most of them wrong. I write them how I pronounce them. Yours would be Greater Basilik. For some reason, I just didnt write down their name with the addy. I only looked at the message a few times, just to make sure I was sticking to specification.


        Basilik. 😆 You’re funny. That sounds like the name of a really strong drink, or something like arsenic, in German… I can’t think of the real word, though.


        LOL! Well, I KNOW Ski didnt get me, I think I might have one of the easiest names around LMAO! 😆


        Except that it’s four syllables and rather long. 😆 Unless you mean “DC.”


        LMAO! Right, but how bad is “Dragons” “Cavern”?? 😆 😆


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Basilik. 😆 You’re funny. That sounds like the name of a really strong drink, or something like arsenic, in German… I can’t think of the real word, though.

          I think I have the name from “Princess Bride” stuck in my head and thats why I think your name wrong.

          Dragunz cavurn… I would never get that wrong.


            Sooooo….Ispiration FINALY struck me!! Yay! I so wasn’t planning on doing what I’m going to do. Had to go buy some more paints 🙄 Hehehe, I’ll take progress pictures!
            Just a question, as you all are painting, do you tend to do a whole base coat and then do broader areas or will you pic a patch to paint and then finish it untill it’s done…..For instance on say a griffin, will you get a base coat and do larger swaths of color untill you get the desired effect? or will you Completely finish the beak and then the claws, and then the head, and then the primaries….Does that make any sense?


              I try to finish one spot at the time, but then I get ahead of myself and want to start the next section. That helps you, right? Riiiiight!

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Not necessarily to help me, but I was curious 😉


                after the pieces are sent/arrived, where will pictures of them be posted? i really want to see what you guys did for each other. 🙂


                  gryphondreamer wrote:

                  after the pieces are sent/arrived, where will pictures of them be posted? i really want to see what you guys did for each other. 🙂

                  Under the “I got my PYO swap today” started by Ryliecat in the PYO forum.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                    Sooooo….Ispiration FINALY struck me!! Yay! I so wasn’t planning on doing what I’m going to do. Had to go buy some more paints 🙄 Hehehe, I’ll take progress pictures!
                    Just a question, as you all are painting, do you tend to do a whole base coat and then do broader areas or will you pic a patch to paint and then finish it untill it’s done…..For instance on say a griffin, will you get a base coat and do larger swaths of color untill you get the desired effect? or will you Completely finish the beak and then the claws, and then the head, and then the primaries….Does that make any sense?

                    I start at the head for the griffins, and work my way down. For the ki rins and dragons and wolves, I think I do one color at a time. 🙂

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