LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

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      I’m back and I’m sticking to the original date, no matter what you bribe me with! 😀

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      dragonmedley wrote:

      I’m back and I’m sticking to the original date, no matter what you bribe me with! 😀

      You’re just mean, that’s what you are! 😉



      Hum, I need to order some PYOs. I want to wait until I find out what my person wants then I’ll have to go get paint…..It’ll be at least a few weeks for me to even start painting. I just can’t stand waiting. (That’ll change tomorrow when I’m at work and losing track of days) 😆


        Kyrin wrote:

        dragonmedley wrote:

        I’m back and I’m sticking to the original date, no matter what you bribe me with! 😀

        You’re just mean, that’s what you are! 😉


        Mwahahaha! 😈

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        HAHAHAHAHA 😆


        dragonmedley wrote:

        I’m back and I’m sticking to the original date, no matter what you bribe me with! 😀

        DARN!!! LOL!!! 😆 😆 What was the date again??? The 14th or something like that??


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        HAHAHAHAHA 😆

        I think you are enjoying this too much.




        ok children play nice 😆


          Only 5 days to go…..(dancing impaitiently) 😯


          **Wiggles in chair…Starts to tap toes** 😆

          Life has gotta be fun…To short to be sad or mad or boring…Live life to it’s fullest!!! 😀

          Confucious say, “A smile is your passport into the hearts of others.” 😉


          foxfeather wrote:

          Only 5 days to go…..(dancing impaitiently) 😯

          **Dances** with FoxFeather, HEY!! This Looks alot like we are doing da peepee dance 😉 😆 😆

          Ohhhh NO…. WAIT….. thats Windstone Collector! 😆 😛 😆 J/K!!!!! 😉


          Actually, I’m glad we still have five days before we get the names. I need to finish two PYOs before I start on my swap piece.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Actually, I’m glad we still have five days before we get the names. I need to finish two PYOs before I start on my swap piece.

            Well, it’s only 5 more days untill we find out! You still have untill end of June to finish! ROFLMAO


              *joins peepee dance….* Oh…wait…I really do hafta go 😯 ….*runs to take a bio break*


              I know. But I don’t want to be last. 😆

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