
LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap

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      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Remember, you have until Saturday to PM me your info if you want to participate. Anyone hesitating or procrastinating? C’mon, c’mon, c’mon!

        The rules are the same: no saying who you have, no posting pictures until the recipient received their piece. You will have until June 30th to finish your piece.

        In order to sign up, you need to PM me the following information:
        1. Full name and address
        2. Do you ship worldwide?
        3. What you want: colors/theme/type of PYO

        I will be accepting entries until April 14th; that’s a full 3 weeks, so I hope no one will miss out on this one.

        This means everyone will have part of April, all of May and most of June to paint their piece.

        This is a straight exchange, just the statues. Everyone covers the shipping costs. You will get instructions as to what your partner wants (some can be detailed and others completely open). You will not necessarily get the person who has you… this will be totally random. Also, please sign the felt on the bottom of the PYO. Ok, I think I got everything!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        Woot- I got in on time!


          Aww, I wish I was a good enough artist for this. I look forward to seeing all the preties when they’re done though!


          pffft, fox, seriously, go for it anyways, it’s super fun and though it took me forever to touch paint to sculpt you should try it and this is a good time to do it!!


            I’m signing up ASAP!


              I’m in. Just hope I can do a good job for who ever I get!


                All right. Twist my rubber arm πŸ˜› I’ll go for it! So I’m in. I just hope I can do a good job and whomever I get likes their piece!


                  I’m so VERY in. Woo hoo!


                  Me too yay, I just hope who ever gets mine likes it too, only one person has one that I painted, and I dont think she got him yet, so I dont even know if she likes him, LOL.


                    Im in too, and for whoever wants to join but thinks they are not good enough, dont be silly. Its just for fun and im sure you will do your best. πŸ˜‰ C’mon and join us!!! COmmme to the daaark siide…



                      πŸ˜† Cookies! yay! I’m in. (I’ll bring the chocolate πŸ˜€ )


                        SPark wrote:

                        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Perfect, SPark!


                          Okay. I’m in. I should be done with school in plenty of time to get something finished by the end of June.

                          I just finished my first pyo kirin, so I will post pictures soon. I need to sign up for a gallery space… πŸ˜†

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