large green cat wizard found at local store

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    Hey you guys. For anyone interested in a large green cat wizard, my local cutlery store has one on the shelf. Here’s the store’s name, phone and fax numbers;
    Cutlery N’More
    1058 Santa rosa Plaza
    santa rosa, CA 95401
    Phone: (707)528-1511 Fax: (707)541-3726

    I believe they take credit card, cash and personal checks. Hope this helps.


      Its $170. Lady seems nice, too.


      That-s a pretty good price, considering the tag on the one at BT-s, isn-t it?


      What’s BT-s? I am not sure what that means.


        phoenixrider wrote:

        What’s BT-s? I am not sure what that means.

        B&T’s Lost World on ebay, dragonkeeper on these forums


          that is not a bad price at all!!


          phoenixrider wrote:

          What’s BT-s? I am not sure what that means.

          It should have been BT’s, but on the QWERTY keyboard the ‘ is a -. Sorry. Anyway, yeah – dragonkeeper’s E-Bay store, always full of hard-to-find goodies.

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