Large Flap Cats…

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      I’m sorry if it’s been asked before 😳 – but I can’t find the post if it was. Is the sculpt retired? If not, will there be Prodution or at least limited production runs of them. I love the kitty sculpts almost as much as the dragons, and I really, really, really hope you will be making more Big Flap Cats. I’m also hoping for a PYO Flap Cats. I can’t remember if you mentioned you were going to make PYO Flappers :scratch: . Thanks!



          purpleturtle wrote:

          I’m sorry if it’s been asked before 😳 – but I can’t find the post if it was. Is the sculpt retired? If not, will there be Prodution or at least limited production runs of them. I love the kitty sculpts almost as much as the dragons, and I really, really, really hope you will be making more Big Flap Cats. I’m also hoping for a PYO Flap Cats. I can’t remember if you mentioned you were going to make PYO Flappers :scratch: . Thanks!

          Great timing withthis question! Just so happens I am painting them right now. I don’t know what to do with them though, These are “eye open” large flapcats that are usually production or limited production, but there aren’t very many of them! Only about eight each of black tuxedo marked cats with sunset wings and orange tabby cats with light wings. I am about to paint some eye shut ones also.


            That’s cool. Are they going to be ebay fodder? Considering there is so few…
            Plus, any chance of more being produced in the future? I personally can’t afford ebay pretties, and I fear if they hit the store they will sell out before I even have a chance to nab one. Sorry I’m such a pain about it , but I just really want some large Flap Cats 😳 .


            omgosh! Melody if you want a neat idea…how about a mancoon coloration? Maybe even a Russian Blue? Or that rusty red color…
            possibly…give one a marled(sp?) eye?



              WANTS!!! 😀


                Oh please make the opposite facing Flapper a PYO. Pretty please *puppy dog eyes*


                  Lokie wrote:

                  Oh please make the opposite facing Flapper a PYO. Pretty please *puppy dog eyes*

                  DITTO!!! I know I have already squeaked for some, but I’m doing it again, darn it squeek* !


                    But some production ones too cause I can’t match Windstone in the way they paint…


                      Voting for pyo flappers….I can’t afford many of the eBay pieces these days. 😥


                        The pyo flapper is in the mold department…sitting there, but I am painting regular flapcats, both eye shut and eyues open. I am doing some tuxedo ones with sunset wings and some orange stripey ones.. and I am trying to paint some Bengal cats. Real bengal cats are SO neat looking! This is the most difficult thing I have airbrushed in a long time! They have markings like leopards, with rosette shaped spots.. wow.
                        I’ll try to do a blog about them tomorrow, I haven’t had time to post any blogs in the past week!


                          Melody wrote:

                          The pyo flapper is in the mold department…sitting there, but I am painting regular flapcats, both eye shut and eyues open. I am doing some tuxedo ones with sunset wings and some orange stripey ones.. and I am trying to paint some Bengal cats. Real bengal cats are SO neat looking! This is the most difficult thing I have airbrushed in a long time! They have markings like leopards, with rosette shaped spots.. wow.
                          I’ll try to do a blog about them tomorrow, I haven’t had time to post any blogs in the past week!

                          And they think like Huskies. Those would be very cool, it’s a good thing you don’t have to get the different color rings on each hair though. I had a cull for many years before an upper respiratory infection got him. 😥 Kenji was a great cat, but he had NO common sense.

                          Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                          Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                          Sun Dragon Koi #3


                            Can I put in a squeek* squeek* for open eyed Grey Tabbies. I see the closed eye ones were ebayed but I don’t see anything about the open eyed ones and I would love one, my very first cat was a Grey Tabby named Tebby. 😀


                              setsunawolf wrote:

                              And they think like Huskies. Those would be very cool, it’s a good thing you don’t have to get the different color rings on each hair though. I had a cull for many years before an upper respiratory infection got him. 😥 Kenji was a great cat, but he had NO common sense.

                              We need pix one of these days… 😀


                                lamortefille wrote:

                                Voting for pyo flappers….I can’t afford many of the eBay pieces these days. 😥

                                Ditto on this – I really really really really want a Flap Cat, especially PYO! squeek* squeek*

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